Welcome back for another edition of Caturday, where we catch up on the week's latest cat news, and get to meet some of your amazing kitties!
This week, Bob the street cat released a book, Twitter reunited a deaf cat with its owner, Columbia released a commercial starring a cat in a tiny jacket, Meow Mix reintroduced an old jingle, Friskies pitted human against feline, and Simon's Cat did some serious damage in his latest animated short. Elsewhere, we learned the bizarre history of the cat organ, contemplated adopting a ghost cat, peeped the Hello Giggles Kitten Cam, coveted feline fashions by Vivetta, and enjoyed Sara's gorgeous photos of kitties around Greece!
Also, I'd like to take a moment to welcome my newest sponsor: Luna's Apawthecary! Katie and her tortie Luna create fleecy organic catnip filled beds and toys in a variety of cool prints that you and your kitty are sure to love! Back in October they sent me a bed for my cats to review, and I can honestly say that months later, Priscilla still loves to nap in it all day, every day! Katie donates 20% of her sales to local cat rescues, and thanks to the support of her customers, has donated over $200 and over 20 cat beds to kitties waiting for their forever home. Her featured rescue for the month of March is Mid Michigan Cat Rescue.
This week's featured feline is a gorgeous girl named Petunia, whose life got off to a lonely start - until one fateful online posting led her to the forever home of her dreams!
Maggie writes:
Petunia (or as most everyone calls her, Tuny, for short) will be a two year old blue, Maine Coon, come late April. I adopted her August of 2010 off a post from Craigslist. She had previously been adopted by a woman and her child, but that child decided two weeks later that she would rather have a puppy. Since the family already had two large dogs, little baby Petunia was shut in the basement, and only received human attention during feeding times or litter box changes. I saw photos of this beautiful little cat and fell in love with her immediately. When she came to her forever home, I realized she was flea-infested! We had to detox the entire apartment for this little girl, poor thing felt terrible the first few weeks, but my roommate and I finally nursed her to health!
Today, Petunia is a 17 lbs. whopper. The vet says that she is not a fat cat, just a big cat. She has huge feet, which she enjoys stomping around in and loves making all sorts of cat sounds. Her Maine Coon characteristics certainly come to play when you first meet her. She loves to greet anybody at the door and is affectionate to any nice, human friends. She enjoys playing with her toys, and lounging in her kitty condo, which her human parents made. She loves to chirp at the outside world, and she loves to wake us up at 5AM every morning, for what I like to call her "lovey dovey" time. She's a very curious cat and is always following us around to see what is going on. She doesn't like to be held for too long, but she loves to hang out next to us. She'll also do various tricks for treats: sit, lay down, shake, high five, up, and dance.
Tuny has definitely made my life much more colorful. After all, she introduced me to the world of cats. I'll never be able to live without cats after meeting her!
Special thanks to Maggie for sharing her sweet Petunia with us this week! It's heartwarming to hear what a vibrant, loving girl she has blossomed into - and we also have to give her major paws up for turning her mama into a cat lady for life!
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always taking submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to catsparella@gmail.com, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share! I can't wait to hear from you!

Thanks so much for posting my baby girl! I got so excited when I saw her post was up! Tuny and I are rejoicing with kitty treats and tuna!!
What a beautiful kitty!! I have always loved Maine Coons :)
I'm glad she was rescued from those horrid conditions and found a lovely home :)
Also, "Apawthecary" is one of the best puns I've ever seen :D
Awwwww, Tuny is absolutely gorgous. We are so glad she is living happily in her forever home and another hooman is now totally besotted with kitties :)xx
What a contented beautiful feline! I wish Petunia and her family many happy, healthy years together.
So beautiful felines!
I think all cats should be dressed as grapes. It's just so cute!
Petunia looks like a real character! Happy Caturday!!
Thank you Maggie for rescuing Petunia from that lonely basement! She is gorgeous!
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