This week, Henri, le Chat Noir turned political pundit, Neurowear unveiled their brainwave controlled cat tail (that as many of you pointed out, is actually modeled after a dog!), Cheri lit up the kitchen with her glittery tuxedo cat cupcakes, Tina Fey channeled Holly Golightly and her famous feline companion, Pierre the cat used to LinkedIn to network his way to a new career opportunity, Gjon Mili captured beautiful black and white portraits of his cat, Blackie, and Around the World in 80 Cats visited Namibia, where Sarah shared her experience (and adorable kitty pics!) from her once-in-a-lifetime trip to an African wildlife sanctuary.
Also, don't miss the two great giveaways I have going on right now for a "Love Cats" Tote Bag by Messy My and a $50 PetSmart Gift Card from Apartment Guide! There's still time to enter through next week!

Each of this week's featured felines has their own unique story, and all of them are sure to touch your heart!
Sharon writes:
I have attached pictures of my four sweethearts. The first is 4(ish) year old Lola. I found her on my front porch. She was very sick and was so tiny, I thought she was a kitten. When I took her to the vet, we found out she was a full grown cat, over a year old. She was flea infested, had a severe upper respiratory infection, ear mites, an eye infection and only 7 teeth! We tried to save the teeth but could not. Well, all except one!
When the vet was removing the rotten teeth, she called and said, "She has one tooth left, would you like us to go ahead and remove it?" I said, "Is the tooth a good tooth?" She said it I said, "Save it!" They polished it and gave it a flouride treatment and Ms. Lola has thrived well with her one little tooth.
Whatever happened to this poor baby in her first year on earth was rough! She lives the good life now and is undoubtedly the sweetest little girl cat I've ever met! Just look at that mug? What's not to love!

The second picture is of Dexter. What an amazing little guy! He, too, was found on my front porch on 8/23/11. He was approximately 2 months old and a pretty sick little guy. I was able to capture him and got him to the vet. He was flea ridden, had worms, had a severe eye infection and was starving! He now lives the good life with Lola and they have become fast friends! He is the funniest and smartest cat I've ever known! A real charmer!

Ms. Dilly
The third picture is of the queen of the house, Ms. Dilly. I adopted Dilly 16 years ago along with her brother, Bo (unfortunately, he passed 3 years ago) from Operation Kindness, a wonderful no-kill shelter. She is my loving and loyal and faithful companion and would prefer to be the "lone" cat of the house, but she deals with the above two very well! I cannot imagine what it will be like without my beautiful Dilly! She is my best girl and always will be!

Ms. Marcia
The fourth picture is of Ms. Marcia (Marsha). While I prefer to have indoor-only cats, Marcia came to us 7 years ago as an adult and clearly preferred the outside so we have done as she wished. She LOVES our garage and we call it her apartment! She rarely leaves the area, has the run of the yard, a big tree, and a cat door to her domain, and she gets a heated bed in the winter.
Marcia was named after Marcia Brady on the Brady Bunch by the above queen cat, Dilly. I would watch Marcia out the window and Dilly would always look at me like, "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! What's the deal? I AM THE PRETTY ONE!" LOL! Hence, Dilly named Marcia! Marcia has come into the house on occasion and then says, thanks, but NO THANKS! Give me wide open spaces, please! Marcia and I have a respectful relationship but you do as she wishes, when she wishes, and if everyone sticks to the plan, all is well! She has the most beautiful green eyes and is a real smarty-pants. We love her.
Thank you for your time and I hope my presentation is not too wordy! Every cat has a story, right? =^._.^=
Special thanks to Sharon for sharing her babies with us week! From Lola and Dexter's rescue stories, to the special bond she shares with Ms. Dilly and Ms. Marcia, it's amazing to hear how these four beautiful cats came to be a part of her life!
p.s. Looking for even more Catsparella? Check out my weekly columns over on Catster!
This week:
Paws and Effect Makes Colorful, Eye-Catching Kitty Bling
Modern Kitty Art Sneaks into Kari Egan's Pop Doggie Shop
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share! I can't wait to hear from you!