No matter what you celebrate, I hope that you and your family (human and feline) have a wonderful day, filled with love, brunch, and bunny-cats!
Now, on with the show!

Nacha will have you know that she usually doesn't get out of bed for less than five toy mice a day.

Ghato is excited for spring because he knows that pastels really bring out the green in his eyes.
Sonny wants to know what time brunch starts because he's already behind on his Easter basket deliveries.

Dixie just found out that cats can't eat chocolate.
Cheyenne is proud to have defended her title as Easter Egg Hunt champion for three years in a row.

Donny wants to know where the line for Easter Bunny auditions starts.

Pumpkin is disappointed that you were eating bread during Passover.

Mar doesn't believe it when you say the store was sold out of Cadbury Creme Eggs.

Boone wants to know what you're laughing at.

...If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!
Happy Easter!