The Fancy Feast Facebook page recently posted some pictures from the event, featuring TV celebs such as Neil Patrick Harris and Jane Lynch getting up close and personal with the regal feline.
Rico Rodriguez from Modern Family gives the Fancy Feast cat a thumbs-up!

The resemblance between Jennifer Love Hewitt and this kitty is uncanny.
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills cast member Lisa Vanderpump put her cat prejudice aside for a chance to pose with the glamorous kitty. What would her dog Giggy the Pom have to say about that?
Can't get enough of the fab feline's brush with fame? Click here to check out more pictures from the star studded event.

I actually think he looks more like Ali....he wasn't upset lol, he was looking at something! Thanks for sharing this was great!
OMC! Dey must has trained dat cat to be so relaxed around all dem famous hoomans MOL.
OMC! I woulda shredded all those silly people so bad they wouldn't a-knowed what happened to them! MOL! As if I would let strangers anywhere near moi!
What a beauty! And love that commercial!
The last picture with Lisa Vanderpump is priceless - that precious kitty face!
This Persian is absolutely gorgeous! I love the Fancy Feast commercials starring this beautiful kitty - please keep running them!
What a great cat!
What a great cat!
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