I was sitting around minding my own business, watching the Academy Awards, when this new commercial for Fancy Feast came on, and there was no way I could resist jumping online to post it!

Hypnotic kitten says, "Look deep into my eyes and buy Fancy Feast!"
Impossibly furry Persian cats, home makeover montages, surprise proposals, Chinese take-out - All in the span of sixty seconds!
Fancy Feast just might be the answer to world peace.
Fancy Feast just might be the answer to world peace.
From the YouTube video description:
"Fancy Feast® cat food brings you The Engagement -- Immerse yourself in the story of loving couple Sean and Lisa as they embrace a new kitten and a new page in their relationship. Fancy Feast® Gourmet Kitten Food - the best ingredient is love. Watch this Fancy Feast cat food commercial and visit us at www.FancyFeast.com or www.Facebook.com/FancyFeast for more information."
Update: Watch the "Something Borrowed" Storybook Wedding commercial HERE!

Oh my gosh! How sweet! I got all teary eyed and stuff... lol
Aww !!! This is so so sweet advertising !!!
That was ridiculous! No pet product should have such an emotional climax in its ad!
How could you say no to a man who buys you a kitten?! That dude is a genius!
I saw it too and was looking for it online to send to some cat loving friends. Thanks for posting it.
I'm losing my sense of humour. All I thought on seeing this was, "Oh crap, now every bloody idiot is going to buy a white Persian and once the ring is on the finger that cat is on the street or in the SPCA lethal room." Too many years in Asia. Sorry.
So Sweeeeet! I HOPE he got that kitty from the shelter.
I was on the loveseat with my furry babies, Donny and Phoebe. They were watching the Academy awards with me and my daughter. On comes this commercial, and we are like OMG, cuter than cute!! I was going crazy!! The kitten looked like my little Marie when she was a baby!! ADORABLE!! Go Kitty Power!!
The same thing happened to me! I awww-ed so much the husband had to rewind and watch it himself!
Without a doubt the most adorable TV commercial I've ever seen. Breathtaking cat, equally gorgeous kitten but when the camera pans to that heart pendant with the marriage proposal well I was blown away. Imagine being proposed to like that!! That is SO tops. Genius advertising. Great ad Fancy Feast!
i just wish it was a SHELTER KITTY! I got teary eyed before the kitten...when i realized he was creating a super cool cat-friendly living room!
The new kitty's gonna have it made! Very sweet.
Oh my gosh, that's exactly how my son proposed to his wife. It was on Christmas Day at our house. We had been hiding a kitten that she had seen and fallen in love with. She was heartbroken when it was adopted, not knowing he had adopted it! :-) He put it in a carrier and wrapped it up right before he brought it in. She was estatic! He had put a name tag on the kitten and an engagement ring around it. We had to finally ask her to check out the tag twice before she saw the ring- lots of happy tears!! :-))
@Anonymous Wow, that is a beautiful story! You have one amazing son! :) If you come back to read this, please email me at catsparella@gmail.com.
I love that ad. Thanks for posting it so I can show it to my boyfriend...hopefully soon my fiance.
what kind of kitty is that a persian i want one <3
@Anon1 Good luck with your bf! :)
@Anon2 Yep, it's a Persian!
Im a 26yr old man and the commercial made me feel 16 again..., thx for letting men know that we can still love and not be blind of the love our lover has for us..., in other words u guys that made this commercial gets an A++ for having a positive meaning and impact on love period. I guess we do have to step up huh???
I DON'T have a heart of stone, but that commercial always makes me want to barf.
I LOVE cats (have six), but when I see a cat food commercial I want to hear about how good the food is as far as nutritional value. I want to know why that cat food is so good for my cats that I'd be willing to pay more for it than most other brands.
After watching that commercial, I know no more about the food than I did before.
After all, what are commercials for anyway?
This is the cutest commercial ever! I watch it over and over on line.
So sweet.....I kept crying.....Fancy Feast you rock....it is the best commercial ever...Fantastic advertising...What a way to get to the heart.....Fancy Feast you ROCK....
Wow, I'm in a minority, but I find it disheartening that (a) he used the kitten to get what he wanted then (b) the couple appeared to have abandonded the cat to the new owners of the house. The tag said will you marry US... yet the cat seems to have been abandonded at some point. I'm sorry, but we have to many abandonded animals already and this commercial was irresponsible, made the couple look bad and the cat look disposable. Please think about how long a kitten lives before you go out and buy any cat, no matter how cute the commercial looks... My siamese lived 19 years. And please, please consider adopting from a shelter instead of buying from a breeder.
@Anon Not sure what you're referring too. The first cat belonged to her parents. He saw how much she loved it, and got her a kitten of her own.
Absolutely one of the worst commercials in history. Saccharine. Melodramatic. Completely disconnected from the product it's attempting to promote. Must have been made by kids right out of school...or a bunch of fat women who sit on their couches "cuddling" with their cats on Friday nights.
Wonderful commercial. The only part that could be improved was the selection of the star(s).
Why didn't you use Birman cats? Say, cats as wonderful as I am!
I don't understand how some don't understand the ad.
It's a simple idea, but very well cone.
Adorable! Reminded me of my Amanda, many years ago. This was great advertising.
Was the actress who played Lisa on TV for other parts. I thought she played on Once upon a time. Anyone?
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