Yippee!! Thanks to you, Catsparella is one of the nominees for Best Social Integration Blog at The Petties 2011 Pet Blog Awards!!
The Petties are Dogtime's annual celebration recognizing excellence among animal-loving bloggers, and are the only awards nominated by, voted for, and presented to individuals in the pet blogging community.
Best Social Integration is a pet blog that effectively leverages the power of social media to maximize its readership via Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc.
Voting for the finalists started TODAY, July 5, 2011 and will be remain open until Friday, July 29, 2011.
Here's where I need your help!
Please vote, and tell your friends, your cats, and your cats friends to VOTE CATSPARELLA in the category of Best Social Integration Blog! It only takes a minute, and I promise it doesn't hurt! You'll even get a free kitten with every vote (Ok, now I'm just making things up.)
To vote:
1. Visit http://www.dogtime.com/petties
2. Once at the site, select Catsparella in the category of Best Social Integration Blog (you don't even have to enter in an email address or vote in the other categories, unless you want to!)

3. Click the Vote button at the bottom of the page, and that's it! You can vote a few times a day, so bookmark it, and go back every day now through July 29th. And don't forget to help spread the word!
*Note: Some people have told me they aren't seeing the "Vote" button appear at the bottom of the page. If you don't see it, you can either hover the mouse around the bottom until you see a hand appear, and then click (this seems to make the vote go through), or try to access the page using a different browser.
The prize for winning is a $1,000 donation to the shelter of your choice, and after much thought and consideration, I've decided that if I were to win, I would donate the money to Tabby's Place Cat Sanctuary, located in my home state of Ringoes, NJ.
From their website:
Tabby's Place is a cage-free sanctuary that provides rescue for cats in hopeless situations. Our residents come primarily from public shelters where they had once been scheduled for euthanasia.
This one-of-a-kind facility serves as:
- An Adoption Center, finding loving homes for cats;
- A Hospital, providing medical and surgical treatment for sick or injured residents;
- A Hospice, providing palliative care and a warm, loving environment for chronically or terminally ill cats to live out their lives in comfort
Tabby's Place recently welcomed their 1,000th resident, and I'd be honored to have a part in helping the next 1,000 kitties in their care.
Update! Read about my recent visit to Tabby's Place here.
Thank you again to everyone for your continued support, now let's go out there and bring this kitty home!

That is flipping awesome pawesome and catastic!
Thanks, Tasha..I'm excited too! :D
Whoo-Hoo! Congrats on the good news! Well-deserved! Paws crossed! :)
Thanks for always being there, Ann!!!! :)
Huge concats! Go catsparella Go!
Weeee! Thank you, Layla!!!
I voted for you too! I think your shelter choice looks pawsome too:) I've heard of another cage free shelter in Lanai, Hawaii. Here's a link if you want to look at it
Thanks for your vote, Mary!! Wow, I'd never heard of that sanctuary - thanks for letting me know! :)
I LOVE TABBY's PLACE!!! Have you been??!!! I went their recently and feel in LOVE with the place and the people (esp Angela!)
@T Yes, I've been there and it's amazing! :)
Conscat to you too !
And Don't tell anyone, I voted for you : )
LOL, I love you Mr Puddy..you always get my vote!! :) Tuxies always stick together!!!!
Done, and done!
We voted for you :-)
Oh, my goodness - all of us at Tabby's Place (furry and otherwise) are so grateful and excited that you chose our kitties! We are hyoooooooge fans of Catsparella here, and you will have ALL of our votes. All fingers and tails crossed for a Catsparella victory! Thank you!!! XXOO
Congratulations, and best of luck to you!
@Lolcat Lisa Thank you, my sweet!
@Cat Thank you *nose taps* :)
@Angela Of course, I love Tabby's Place and will do whatever I can to help!! XOXO right back!! :)
@Ingrid Congrats to you too! Looking forward to celebrating your win (or two) at BlogPaws!
@Caren Thank you so much Caren!!!!!!!!!! You are the best ♥
hurraz! ebbed tho I'm on my own -I will vote, vote, vote, get outnthe vote. Mol
Thank you, Kokoro! Hope you're behaving yourself while Mum is away! It looks like she's having a good time!! :D
Iz be having a fine time if these she eps would get out of my way...
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