Shortly after I posted the story of Natalie's touching Bucky cattoo, Rachel wrote in with her own tale of a beloved kitty gone too soon, whose memory has been kept alive with some amazing custom ink.

Rachel writes:
My friend has this tattoo in memory of his cat Fungus (yes, Fungus!) who was hit by a car a few years ago. Never have I met such a beloved cat and our friends were all devastated. Such a great cat deserved a proper memorial, and I designed this tattoo based on a photo I took of Fungus while he was alive.

This pic was right after it was done, so it's a bit red. The best part - we can headbutt the tattoo just like we could headbutt Fungus (he was the king of headbutts)!
King of Headbutts
Special thanks to Rachel for sharing Fungus with us! I think her tattoo design came out beautifully, and is a fitting tribute to a sweet kitty who will never be forgotten.
Special thanks to Rachel for sharing Fungus with us! I think her tattoo design came out beautifully, and is a fitting tribute to a sweet kitty who will never be forgotten.
Do you have any cat tattoos you'd like to share? Email me at!

beauty Fungus and beauty cattoo!
Aww, that is really sweet. Shhhhh, but mummy has a little kitty tattoo in memory of a kitty from a few years ago. Its not a picture of the kitty she had but a picture of a Disney kitty. Its very cute. Don't let on I told you though hee he :)xx
Wow, that's so sweet!
I'll have a tattoo of my cat in january, when I'll turn 18. I think it will be the very first tattoo I'll do and maybe the most important one :)
how lovely :O)) x
My dad have tattoo too but not cat one, But that tattoo is cool !
Wow! That IS an amazing tribute! Thanks fur sharing this story. Purrs.
Now that is a serious tribute! Fungus was obviously an amazing and well-loved cat. Purrs!
don't tell my other half; this is what he's do if given the idea!
Hmmm, I asked the Human if she would get a giant tattoo of me (I mean, why wait till I'm gone?), but she just rolled her eyes and said, "Suuuuuuure" but I think she was being sarcastic. Sigh.
That is very neat to have a tattoo of your cat. And that sure is a good one of Fungus. I have never heard of any one doing this before. Take care.
I have a cat tattoo on my right leg... love tattoos about world cat!
You know, I am the craziest of the Crazy Cat Ladies, but I just don't think I could do a cat tattoo. I'm allergic to pain for one thing. =^..^=
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