During the past three weeks, Charlie and Priscilla modeled some crazy hats for the cause, and I also visited Tabby's Place, where we met kitties like Kendall, Boots, Natalie, Tashi, and Twix, to show you where the $1,000 donation prize would end up going if I won. I have to say that no matter what ends up happening, I'm so thrilled to have been able to bring more exposure to Tabby's Place, and plan on continuing to highlight the sanctuary in the future.
That being said, I still want to bring home the $1,000 prize for them, so round up the cats and have them vote like crazy for Catsparella in the category of Best Social Integration Blog at http://www.dogtime.com/petties! There's no registration required, and you can vote in as many, or as few, categories as you'd like.
Please spread the word that TODAY, Friday, July 29th, is the LAST day to vote!
I truly appreciate all of your your votes, support, and amazing comments, and as a special thank you, here's a round-up of Charlie and Priscilla's Top 10 Looks, as determined by Facebook "Likes"! Also, don't forget to stop by the Catsparella Facebook page tonight, to see Charlie model one final, surprise look!
1. Surprised Charlie - 109 Likes
2. Hamburger Charles - 94 Likes
3. Panda Priscilla - 93 Likes
4. Charlie Potter - 85 Likes
5. Queen Priscilla - 84 Likes
6. Gator Charlie - 78 Likes
7. Business Charlie - 75 Likes
8. Tick Tock Charlie - 68 Likes
9. Mad Catter Prissy - 67 Likes
10. Strawberry Priscilla - 63 Likes
*Honorable Mention to 3 of my favorites that didn't quite make the list*
Meow-gartitaville Priscilla
Nyan Cat Priscilla
Princess Beatrice Priscilla
(Click here and scroll down to see all of the other looks!)
Thank you!

Charlie is such a good sport. I'm not sure I would like what would ensue if I tried that with one of my black cats!! (yes...I have more than one!)
Good luck with the Petties.
I love all the hats! Hats off to you! And I do believe that Priscilla looks more dignified in the Princess Bea hat than Princess B!
ooooh my goood, did you make all of those hats?? they're amaz. i love them.
@Megan Yep! They're all made out of construction paper, tape, and glue, lol :3
I like all the hats! This is such a cute idea, and your blog is the best! We really hope you win! Meow.
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