They see me strollin'...they hatin'..
Last Caturday, I featured a post on Kalimah, the Evian drinking diva kitty. In addition to her hot feline fashions, a lot of you also took notice of her super styling stroller, which her owner Tasha reported, "she loved riding in on warm spring days."
Who wouldn't want their cats to come running for an activity?
It all got me thinking, what's the deal with cats on wheels? My two are strictly indoor cats, but like most, their favorite time of year is when it's warm outside and the windows are open. They delight in the breeze blowing through their whiskers, and cooling off their sun-soaked black fur in a shady windowsill. Could a pet stroller be the perfect way to safely allow them some extra fresh air, while adding excitement to their lives?
I did a Google search for "Cat strollers," and was overwhelmed by the variety of results that popped up. I quickly learned that buying a stroller for your pet is not much different than picking one out for a human baby (something I also know nothing about). What was I getting myself into?
Wanting to start with the basics, I pondered these three points suggested by Just Pet Strollers:
Wanting to start with the basics, I pondered these three points suggested by Just Pet Strollers:
- Size - Is the stroller the appropriate size for your pet? You want to make sure that they have enough room to sit and lay down comfortably, and that the stroller will support their weight.
- Privacy - How social is your cat? Some strollers have sections where cats can see outside, but also have a private, tented space for shyer kitties to enjoy the ride incognito.
- Enclosure - Pet strollers are mesh enclosed so your cat can safely enjoy the view, but some have the option to remove the covering, while others do not. The site suggests a benefit of cat strollers that may be opened is that they can be used as beds or perches inside the home, and can help get your cat used to them before going outside. Besides whether or not it opens, I think that the strength of the mesh used to make the stroller would be my biggest concern overall. What if my cat gets scared or overexcited? Will it withstand the force of rogue kitty claws?
In addition to these factors, The "Pet Stroller Buying Guide," (also from the Just Pet Strollers site), goes into a lengthier list of detailed points to think about, such as:
- Consider the terrain. (Are you taking kitty hiking, or on a jaunt around the cul-de-sac?)
- Travel and storage needs
- Use (Will you be jogging or walking?)
- Consider if you'll stroll in inclement weather. (I can safely say the answer to this question is no.)
- Storage (Some strollers come with "parent trays" to lug all of your junk in addition to Snowball's water, treats, toys, etc.)
- Safety features
Got all that? Congrats, because once you've figured out the answers to all of those questions, you're ready to move on to the final step: Selecting the stroller size, style, and color that's right for you! I'm hesitant to recommend any particular brand, because I haven't tried them myself, but here are a few models that stood out in my search:
The Basic Stroller (Are you going to mess with this lady? Because I'm not): Sahara Happy Trails Stroller - Doctors Foster and Smith, $116.99
The Super Deluxe "For Your Trip To Mt. Everest" Stroller: All Terrain Pet Stroller - Nip and Bones, $277.00
The Double Decker "My Cats Hate Each Other" Stroller: Kittywalk Double Decker Pet Stroller - Just Pet Strollers, $269.95
I think pet strollers are a great idea, although they can be an investment, and there's a lot to think about before getting one. I'm curious to know, do any of you want or have one? If you have one, do you and your cat like it? What's the reaction you get from strangers on the street?? So many questions, so little time..Please let me know in the comments!
And lest we forget, if a cat stroller isn't for you, there's always the "cat pack," like this one spotted on the streets of Brooklyn a few months ago - purrfect for your kitty on the go!

Ohmigosh! I'd actually never thought of doing this. I mean, I've seen people do this before in pictures, and always laughed at it. But one of the things I hate that I can't do is take my cats on walks with me, and this would totally solve the problem! Although they wouldn't actually be getting any exercise themselves and might hate being confined in a small space... haha.
If you ever wanted the accusation that your cat is a child substitute, here's the best way to get it! I can't quite believe this. Cats are by nature outdoor animals. They like to run, jump, chase leaves, climb trees. To take a cat into the outdoors and then not allow it to do these things seems unfair. It's one thing having an indoor cat. To have an indoor cat that you then tease by taking it into the outdoors but then not allowing it to be a natural cat once out there doesn't seem right, somehow.
My Mom like the backpack one but I don't think I wanna be inside there !
I love going in my stroller! I have an AT3, and it provides lots of fun and stimulation, and this way I can enjoy the outdoors and still be safe.
I have the blue stroller pictured above. My cats love to sit in it and go for a walk in the morning and again at night. At least it gets me out of the house and moving.
I have the Pet Gear AT3 All terrain pet stroller (like the red one from Nip and Bones) but mine's blue. I love love love my stroller. Mom takes me all kinds of places in it. I even went to Blog Paws West 2010 and met lots of people and went out to dinner at a restaurant (we sat outside).
I like the idea because my indoor cats are always pining for the outdoors. But...I'm not sure there is a neighborhood in the universe that wouldn't get you laughed out of it pronto after taking kitty for a stroll! I'm afraid the embarrassment of being branded the Crazy Cat Lady would be too much for me, LOL.
lol @Julia above. I have to agree. Part of me would love to try this (but I think Cody would have a FIT feeling as if he were being "caged") He hates being confined, the other part of me just thinks that this is NUTS!
I want one!!!
"They see me strollin'...they hatin'." I love that.
I love the stroller option and for all the years we've had "The Boys", never even crossed my mind to take them out in a stroller.
Now (at 13 and 14), I'm not so sure they'd be able to adjust. It's bad enough getting taking them to the vet in the carrier.
Jacqueline at Jacqueline's Cat House has a beautiful stroller for her girls, Calle, Halle and Sukki. They seem to love it.
I think a stroller is a great idea. I never knew about them until I read Jacqueline's blog. She takes all three of hers out for a stroll. What fun that looks like. Most of these go outside but some are staying in now. I bet they would enjoy a stroll. Thanks for all this info.
Momma has asked da vet about taking us out in stroller before, she seemed taken back by it like it was crazy or something but many peeps seem to do it and she finks I would luvs it, once I get use to it. I luvs to sit on my perch, window open and see everyfing outsides!
Oh and thanks you for da linky to our all terrain stroller! And has you checked out our kritter kondos? You seen us in ours in my video right? I know you saw our initial photos and preview.
I think the double decker is purrfect for my lil family, in an apt. bound life. Exercise time!
That is great! Look what I did to "My Poor Cat"
@Angel Aww, poor kitty :(
I plan to purchase a new all terrain jogger stroller for Kalimah. I found one made by JEEP and we are completely in love with it. Although Kalimah walks on a leash, she prefers her wheels. Paw-dicures are expensive. haha I love taking my baby girl to art fairs, sports festivals and outdoor concerts at park, so having a stroller makes her part of the fun and festivities without making her feel insecure of her surroundings. Pet strollers... genius.
I like the backpack option. Unlike human babies, cats will only ever reach a certain weight.
I just got a cat stroller last week & my cat LOVE'S it. He sits in it when it is in the house crying because he want's to go for a walk. I live in a small village & get a few giggles but for the happiness of my Louie it is all worth it.
I recently purchased a stroller and my cat Tigre simply LOVES IT! I get to excercise by walking and she enjoys the ride. She can hardly wait to jump inside for a ride. We love it!! It's our "special" time together.
Well, I just met a neighbor while strolling with my kitties just for the second time (Buzzey and Shredder where really nervous the first time, but seem to be getting used to it a lot faster then I thought they would). She had a mean expression on her face, and you could tell she didn't like the idea of it. But, I always felt bad my indoor kitties could not go with me on a walk and enjoy the sun and wonderful smells. So, I checked all the strollers out that I could on the internet and found a all terrain stroller, beautiful, for only $60.00 (wheel walbles when jogging) on ebay. I'm disabled and use a cain, but it is great for where I live, and I am now even getting my disabled husband to walk with us (he walks our yorkie poo Tonsha). They are starting to sit up and look around. Buzzy is at least 3 yrs old so I think it will take her a little longer, but our 5 month old Shredder seems to be getting very interested and perks his ears up as he sits and looks around. It's embarressing, yes, but as I told my neighbor it gets me out of the house and walking, and as I said the cat's seem to be starting to enjoy it. Try it, you may enjoy it too. They have tons of strollers, even ones you can take the bodies out and use them for carriers and fold the rest of the stroller up. So they would be great for Vet visits or anything you want. Especially if you are like me and cannot carry your kitties or doggies too.
I have 2 cat strollers and my cats LOVE to get out for a walk. I do not allow my cats outside, of course, My one cat Katie loves it so much that she paces in front of me and gives me the look until I take her out. Also the best thing about it is Vet visits, My stroller just pops off the base and into the car ands the base folds up. It is much easier to get them into the stroller than a carrier, the opening is larger and they are never sure if this is a real walk or a Vet trip. It is a wonderful treat for indoor only kitties and my neighbors get a kick out of it. I have had many people stop their cars to find out where I got it. They come in all price ranges, just be sure the top can be removed and used as a carrier. Priscillalea and her 17
I have a cat i was told needs to burn alot of energy by walking on a harrness. The vet said may help him plus playing. I also saw there are strollers i wondered what kind of stroller would be best for a cat that like to watch thing out .Though might be scared and shy till he gets used to it. We want him to be social because he has som behavior problems but vet thinks it because to much energy. So do you know what one would be best where he could look out but hide if he gets nervous till he gets use to it. He seems to get better more comfertible to things if hes use to it.
how do I make a cat stroller?
I want one so.bad but my family and boyfriend laugh it off like I'm joking so I go along with it but deep down I want one so bad for my baby's
Do not worry about people laughing or ridiculing. That is their business, not yours.
I own a pink cat stroller and I love to take them out in it! I do get a lot of looks and whispers but, I can care less! I love my two cats! Rocky & Lucky are my babies!! Oh and I have a car seat toooo!! My cats are spoiled! I wouldn't have it any other way!!
I hope you don't mind I used the cat stroller picture and linked to your page from here.
I just ordered one. I'm hoping it'll get me walking. I wrote a little story about my two cats talking about the stroller that's on its way and how things don't turn out the way they planned.
I have a blue Pet Gear stroller for one of my indoor cats who loves to observe nature. Recently I was at Saks in Beverly Hills and saw a lady with my same stroller in hot pink with her dogs inside, I loved it! She totally inspired me to use mine more as well. I think Beverly Hills is probably the one place where strolling your cat or dog is perfectly normal behaviour hehe. :)
I have a 5 month kitten who loves going out doors! I originally was going to have him as an indoor cat, I had a cat before who was both indoors and out but he was very smart and knew where to go and wouldn't go far. But with this cat I have to keep a close eye on and I don't trust him going out. He always tries to go out somehow. So I decides to get him "my kitty holster" check it out guys. He can get some exercise on walking and I have a leash on him so it's great. I did also buy a pet stroller and my mom takes him out at night with it and he loves staring out. So he gets both of those and he seems satisfied(:
My Tonkinese cats are too sweet and trusting to got outdoors on their own. They loooooove the stroller. They sit in it and meow so I get the hint to take them out. People have been very positive and always comment on whaat a good idea it is and how cute they look. Some people think I am pushing a baby until they take a closer look. hahaha
my cat Jack was an outdoor cat before I got himhe's afraid of the outdoors except for the porchnow I have my cat stroller and he loves his wife even house at the door in the morning and the evening for his walkand I know the neighborhood think I'm crazy but I really don't careI just know Jackie boy loves his walks and he gets plenty of exercise I play with in the house
Hi just about to buy my first stroller for my two cats as I want to share the out doors butin a safe way, their indoor cats my fiance is fully supportive my friends think im loosing cthe plot are substituting the cats for the fact I can't have children. Is a stroller good for my cats
Our kitties love to take walks! When my children were home, each of their kitties would follow them/us as we took our walks, but we live in a semi-rural retirement area with virtually no cars passing, so they're pretty safe on a 30-40 minute walk around the circle.
A few years back, we needed to take a rather lengthy RV trip, and Becket needed to come along to be watched after as he was getting a bit geriatric. During a large part of the trip, it was colder than home-- down in the teens and 20's, so he acquired a wardrobe of cozy sweaters and kitty boots on his paws against the snow & ice. He seemed so proud of himself walking on his lead, and this was in a busy metropolitan area...
You can imagine the attention he got, and the more attention, the perkier he became, and he was so friendly with all the nice folks who wanted to visit with the "special kitty". Children, especially, seemed delighted, but cars would slow, and people seemed excited and would give a "thumbs up" when they saw Becket prancing so nicely on his lead. He is now 22, and still hunts and fishes, and follows along on walks, but we take very few trips. However, when he hears the RV rev up, he's out and jumping right in the door in hopes of trippin' again. ;)
I think its a great idea strolling the cat especially since he has to be home when I am at work. As for anyone laughing at me, well I'm at the time in my life where I dont worry about what others think or do> I do what I like to do, what makes me happy...
I think this is teasing your cat. You bring it outside, but then it can not do what it naturally want to do, how sad. Let your cat roam free, or if that is due to traffic not an option, take it on the leash. And then let the cat decide where to go, you follow. Take it on a tour through the neighbourhood, or take it to the woods or to a field, let it sniff, let it climb treed, let it run, but safe on a leash.
Thank you for posting this. I found your page when I did a search for pet strollers. I have been searching high and low for just the right one for my little chihuahua. I take her with me everywhere that she is allowed to go but she is so small that she gets tired. She is only four months old and Spring is upon us. It is time for long walks and hiking. I have added the 'All Terrain Stroller' to my wish list for long walks. It is a little pricey but I think she would enjoy going back and forth from walking on her own to riding in it.
I would also like to tell you to ignore anyone who tells you that you are being cruel to your cat by putting it in a stroller. You obviously love your cat by spending so much time, money and effort to get a stroller and walk it. Only you know your pet and know if it is enjoying the ride. Ignore people who don't know what they are talking about and think that they know everything based on their own experiences. God bless you.
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