One question I get asked a lot is, "How did you become a cat blogger?" And while the entire answer in itself isn't so simple, it all starts with one source: My beloved cat, Priscilla.
As many of you know, she is my first cat, purchased for $10 at a flea market eleven years ago from a woman whose cat had given birth in a barn. Her fate was to remain a barn cat, be sold to a local pet store, or something far worse. She was the only tuxedo cat in a cage of grey kittens, sitting in the corner by herself, while her littermates hungrily chowed down on some wet food for the first time (antisocial even then). From the second I held her, I knew she was mine, but at the time I had no idea that a decade later, she would be responsible for changing the direction of my life forever.
Priscilla is part of what inspired the name Catsparella, and it is she who is to blame for turning my love of cats from a passing interest into a full-fledged obsession. Catsparella's two year anniversary is coming up in August, and it's hard to believe that something that started as a form of creative expression, has led to extraordinary opportunities that I never could have imagined while working in Human Resources (I know) and thinking, "This is not what I'm supposed to be doing."
I think about all of the incredible people (and cats) I have met along the way, which would not have been possible had it not been for this blog that I started from my bedroom with nothing but a cat and a dream (heh). Or rather, two cats, because when Charlie unexpectedly came into my life a few years after Priscilla, little did I know that this lovable black teddy bear would once again change my idea about the feline species, and give me that much more material to write about.
Pets not only add life, but they enhance it, and have the inexplicable ability to change it forever with a purr. In addition to rescuing one life at a shelter, you just might find that they are eager to return the favor. They are a source of unconditional love, comfort, inspiration, and motivation, and if that's not enough of a reason to consider opening your home to a furry family member, I can't think of a better one that is.
This year, I am once again proud to be teaming up with Pets Add Life (PAL), a non-profit campaign dedicated to spreading the joys and benefits of owning multiple cats, and increasing responsible pet ownership (although as everyone knows, cats own us, and not the other way around).
To learn about PAL, please visit their website and YouTube channel, or follow them on Facebook and Twitter for more information.
This post is sponsored by the Pets Add Life campaign and the American Pet Products Association. I am being compensated for helping spread the word about the benefits and joys of pet ownership, but it's no secret that I think everyone should adopt a cat!

It was great to see you at Blogpaws - just think our pets brought us all together in SLC. Pets really do add life!
I loved to know more about you, Priscilla and Charlie!!
@Vicki I was thinking about that a lot during BlogPaws!
It was great seeing you too, and so funny running into you on the plane!! :)
@Repositório You are so sweet, thank you! ♥
I work for an insurance company! I so know that feeling.
I've loved cats since I can remember. My first written word was "CAT." My sister's first word was "Kitty" because she heard me say it so often.
Granted, I'm a niche cat blogger...but someday I would love to do this rather than my day job.
And, you know, go to BlogPaws.
@abyaday Most definitely! I hope someday we can meet!
well I must say Savannah has changed the nature of my retirement for sure. I volunteer at a private no kill shelter for cats, which is where I met her 7 mos ago. Now in the past 4 m onths, I write for her, Tweet for her and manage her FB page! And I interact with dozens of other anipal bloggers and Tweeters around the world, how cool is that! And, the best, we have Savannah in our lives and we are all savng each other!
@Savannahspawtracks That is wonderful, thank you for sharing your story!!
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