In honor of June being Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, the ASPCA teamed up with ABC news correspondent Dan Harris to make a video extolling the benefits of rescuing homeless kitties. While they could have easily rattled off a typical list of heart-tugging reasons why adoption makes sense (like companionship and unconditional love, just to name a few), they ultimately settled on a more unconventional approach to appeal to their target audience.
In the clip, Harris (who according to his Twitter bio, enjoys "indie rock, questionable travel, and my cat Steve") leaves for work, while an orange ball of fur named George transforms the anchor's living room into his own personal kitty club, complete with airborne moves set to pulsating beats. The only thing missing is a cat DJ, and possibly a group of kittens waving around glow sticks like they just don't care. The video's tagline proclaims, "Millions of viral videos waiting to be adopted."
As anyone who has attempted to create an infectious cat masterpiece can tell you, manufacturing one isn't as easy as it looks. According to Co.CREATE, the "Hovercat" video by Mekanism was shot in just one day, while post-production on the minute long clip clocked in at two weeks!
Nominations can be made once a day through June 29th!

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