Sex, Drugs, and Fashion - So goes the 1987 issue of Catmopolitan Magazine, another hilarious parody by author Ilene Hochberg.
Much like the real Cosmopolitan, Catmo delves into topics such as getting your claws into Mr. Right, infidelity, weight loss, and shopping. Next to advertisements for brands such as Estée Longhair, Clawnique, Maidenfur, and Espurrit are articles on "Cathletics and Feline Fitness," "Colorful Collars To Catch His Eye," "The Cat's Out of the Bag - He's Been Pussyfooting Around," and more.
I scanned some of my favorite highlights from the mag below - If you missed my previous post on Vanity Fur (featuring Hissy Miyake and Purry Ellis!), you can check it out here.
Click on any image to enlarge.

A cat lingerie spread!?
"Paws To Catch Your Breath: Cathletics and Feline Fitness"
Stick-On Krazy Kat Klaws - A precursor to Soft Paws Nail Caps, perhaps?
Flea Jeans
Roundup - What Gives Me Pangs Of Guilt? Answer: "Nothing"
Cat diet product promises a slimmer physique caused by the rapid shedding of fur -"Get slim without dieting. Don't give up a single meal or treat. Don't even move a muscle."
Cool Cats of California Swimwear
Purrzazz styling mouse and gel by Clawrol (What's going on with those pants??)

I think I have that somewhere along with the "Cat High" yearbook.
@Anon Haha! I have "Cat High" around here somewhere, too! I'll have to dig around for it :)
I have Cat High too---lol!
I have this magazine. I could never throw it out. Its in my living room now.LOL
oh my god!? this was a real magazine? or was it just a one time publication?
@sassyNpunk One time publication (sadly!) :)
I need this magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love this, we can just picture our kitties pawing through the magazine, nomming cat nip bon bons!
Wren and Sparrow kitties would have a hissy fit if the photos didn't flatter them!
I have this magazine! Yes!! I cannot recall or remember when and where did I purchase it. All I know is how lucky I am to own this magazine1 Hahha!!
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