This is the true story of ten kitties, picked to live in a house, work together and have their lives taped, to find out what happens when cats stop being polite and start getting real...The Real World: Friskies!

The two-room feline utopia boasts many impressive features, including a built-in aquarium and a touch screen-floor, where the cats can play Friskies Games For Cats (including the ever popular 'Cat Fishing') until their little heart's content.
The Friskies Plus Playhouse will be broadcasting live every day from 3PM - 6PM EST now through February 19th on Facebook, where viewers will have the chance to not only waste time while basking in the glory of live streaming cats, but also interact with them as well.
As I write this, I just finished wiggling around a toy for a playful tortie, an adorable white kitty, and a black kitten who delighted in my virtual feather stick waving skills. Truth be told, I waited about a half hour in a virtual queue for the opportunity that lasted less than two minutes, but it was still probably the best thing I did all day. If you miss any of the live broadcasts, Friskies will be uploading daily video highlights clips on their YouTube page
I'm also happy to report that these aren't just any ordinary felines. Each of the house's residents, who were chosen on a variety of factors including personality and age, come from MeoowzResQ Kitten and Cat Rescue out of Orange, Calif. Friskies hopes that by participating in the live stream, cat lovers will draw inspiration for playing with their own cats, and also help to find these furry babies a forever home of their own.
Now, what are you waiting for? Get thee to the Friskies Facebook page and click the Friskies Plus Playhouse tab to start watching these adorable kitties in action - right meow!

That is SO cool! What a great promotion to help these and other rescue kittehs get adopted! :)
Ooooh what a cool looking playhouse!
Brilliant, my cats would love this play house!
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