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(Click here if video doesn't load)The heartwarming story of Willow the lost cat who was found in New York City after disappearing from her Colorado home five years ago, has come to its natural conclusion after a week of intense media coverage.
The Today Show flew the entire Squires family out to NYC to reunite with the cat, who was understandably stressed after being dragged around town on a media tour that would be challenging for any human thrust into the national spotlight, let alone a confused calico used to living in anonymity.
3-year-old Lauren "Lola" Squires stole the show during the sit-down, as she waved and cooed over the cat, while the two other Squires children (who were actually alive when Willow first went missing) were relegated to the far end of the couch.
Willow and her family are glad that their story has brought attention to microchipping and finding lost pets, and were headed back to their Broomfield, Colo. home yesterday, with promises that they're going to keep the door closed from now on.
The exclusive interview ended with a sincere Matt Lauer, sincerely wishing the winsome cat good luck.

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