When Priscilla was a kitten, I couldn't sit down without her trying to get on my lap. Now she could care less, but I wonder what she would have thought about Lap of Luxury handmade cat and dog beds, designed with your clingy feline in mind. Kind of like the Boyfriend Pillow
of the pet world, the faux lower torsos are washable, stuffed with polyester filling, and modeled so your cat can get the lap companionship they crave, whether you're around to provide it or not.
Pre-made designs such as the ones seen here are available for $175 each, but buyers are also encouraged to send in their own jeans, shirts, and belts to get as close to the "real thing" as possible.

Via Laughing Squid

Hahameow...but a great idea! Good use for those skinny jeans up in my attic...
I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I may look to see if I have the green papers for that!
Love this!!
That is... mildly disturbing. I think I'd freak people out if they came round and found my kitties sitting on a headless torso!!
Super smart idea! Now if they can come up with a model with some kind of heating device, we'd be on our way to being eliminated.
What will they think of next? I don't think my lap resembles that though!!
Now if they can just create a pretend hand that pets the cat while it is on the pretend lap...
I am with Kitcaboodles ALL THE WAY!!!!
Ooh, I don't know. Creepy.
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