Kitty Litter Facial Mask: Deep Cleansing
Winter has brought snow and freezing temps to the East Coast, and my skin has paid the price! Last night I took to the internet in search of natural facial mask remedies to help freshen up dull, dry skin.
Many of the recipes I found sounded good enough to eat, and left me anxious to head to the kitchen for a quick beauty fix. Should I try the decadent blend of mashed avocado and organic carrot with heavy cream and honey? Or the juicy, salicylic acid packed combo of strawberries and sour cream? One particular suggestion that caught me by surprise was the off-putting concoction of kitty litter and essential oil. Kitty litter??

According to beauty vlogger Michelle Phan, it's all about the clay, which is really the same as the stuff they offer in volcanic ash clay masks at salons and stores for a much higher cost. The clay molecules are rich in minerals and are highly absorbent, which helps draw out toxins from the skin. She recommends kitty litter for the treatment of oily skin, cellulite, wrinkles, sun damage, blemishes, stretch marks, age spots, and more.
Michelle gives a good explanation of the properties of kitty litter and directions on how to apply the mask in this video. Her cute cat also makes a cameo, and I can't imagine how confused he must have been!
So what do you think? Would you try a kitty litter mask? I'm not against it, but I think I'll be sticking to fruits and veggies for the time being. If you've already tried it, I'd be really interested to hear how it turned out!

Sounds weird, but you never know what's gonna work.
Saw a lady on Dr. Oz the other day (actually a rerun from some time mid last year I think) who said to use canned pumpkin. You put it on your face for a few minutes, then use one of those beauty mitts you can buy at the dollar store to scrub it good, then rinse. Supposedly is a good anti-aging treatment. (Not to mention the yummy smell.)
I don't think I would be able to try a kitty litter mask ahaha. It sounds like it works but I would be nauseated by the smell of it. It would remind me of the smell of my cats poop!
at first i didnt think i could do it but listening to the explanation of how it works makes sense.......hmmm....i'm not big on home masks so prob not tho!
I am bi g on home masks , so I am going to try it! Thanks for sharing.
here is on that I like. It is Honey Bannana Facial Mask Recipe
The ingredients are simple:
- 1 banana
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 1 egg yolk
Mix them together, smooth onto your face and neck, and leave for about 10 minutes.
Wash off with warm water, then splash with cold water to close the pores.
After a few treatments, once or twice a week, your skin should look clear and soft. You may even have a few less wrinkles!
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