I recently came across Sneaky Pablo's hand-silkscreened items, encouraging people to "Save a life - Adopt a shelter pet." I was drawn to the Etsy store not only because of the positive message, cool colors, and cat models, but also because of the awesome shop description:
"SNEAKYPABLO is a one woman operation. I silkscreen everything myself by hand (with the help of my cat who does the two-eyed wink at me when she likes my designs). Everything is perfectly imperfect. Wouldn't have it any other way."
I asked the shop's owner, Jill, to answer some questions about her line that brings togetherthe unlikely bedfellows of fashion and animal welfare.
Read on for more!
What inspired you to create and sell a line of shirts promoting the adoption of shelter pets?
I have an Etsy shop where I design and screenprint shirts and I thought I could combine my love of screenprinting with my love of animals, and hopefully help promote shelter awareness in the process. There are so many animals in overcrowded shelters across the country, I just wanted to help out the way I knew best. Not only will I donate directly to a local shelter, but by wearing my shirts, we can help promote shelter adoptions in the process.
I have an Etsy shop where I design and screenprint shirts and I thought I could combine my love of screenprinting with my love of animals, and hopefully help promote shelter awareness in the process. There are so many animals in overcrowded shelters across the country, I just wanted to help out the way I knew best. Not only will I donate directly to a local shelter, but by wearing my shirts, we can help promote shelter adoptions in the process.

You mention in your shop that 25% of the proceeds from your sales will be donated to a local shelter. What shelter do you work with?
I donate 25% of the proceeds from the sales of each shirt to a local animal shelter called the Animal Welfare Association (http://www.awanj.org). They are a great organization located in Voorhees, NJ who really go the extra mile in trying to get all of their animals adopted to great people.
I'm in love with your kitty models! Please tell us more about them!
Of course! Our oldest daughter is Franny, she's the black and white fluffy Maine Coon. I went searching for a cat about seven years ago at a shelter and she walked right up to me. I bent down to pet her and she jumped up on my crouched knees and settled in for a snooze. I guess that's what they mean by "cats choosing you." She's been my best friend ever since. Not completely sure of her age, but i think she's around eight years old.
And my youngest daughter is Zooey, who is the calico Maine Coon. I adopted Zooey from another shelter when she was eight weeks old; she's now almost four. She's my little baby. Once or twice a year I get them groomed to help them out a little bit - in this pic Zooey has been groomed, but normally she can look even bigger than Franny. :)

Adopt A Shelter Pet Tee (Orange) - $20.00 - Zooey wants you to adopt a shelter pet!
Anything else you'd like to add?
I would just like to emphasize the importance of adopting from shelters! Thousands (if not more) of animals are euthanized every day simply because people decided to give them up, for one reason or another, usually nothing to do with the animal itself. Shelters are overcrowded, yet Pet Stores are still carrying animals for sale, and breeders are breeding more and more animals. Please look at your local shelters and online at Petfinder (http://www.petfinder.com) and consider saving a life instead.
Wearing a cool shirt and helping homeless animals? What could be better?
Very special thanks to Jill for taking the time to answer my questions, and for the work she's doing to promote such a great cause! Please check out her store, SNEAKYPABLO, for more colors, sizes, and styles of her "Save a life - Adopt a shelter pet" tees!

My mom love the Orange one : )
We will check out the website cause this is great !
Love the shirts and the motivation behind them!
Mom loves the blue one! And it's a great idea. We're all shelter kitties ourselves!
That black and white cat is just a huge muffinhead (I mean this fondly...)
Thanks for the post! :) Love it.
We like the shirts and we love that part of the proceeds go to a shelter!!
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