I recently discovered Kokoro Purrs, a super cute blog and webcomic devoted to the adventures of Kokoro the cat. The inspiration behind the comic is the real-life Kokoro, an adorable 9-month old Bicolored Seal Ragdoll kitten, pictured below.
The floofy tailed little boy is inquisitive..
(Click comics to enlarge)
A little naughty..
And always thoughtful!
Catsparella was thrilled to snag an exclusive interview with Kokoro, where we discussed everything from his name and inspiration for his comics, to his favorite kitty treats! Read on for more!
Well, about 13 months ago mum put an "order" in for a bery sweet kitty who loved to do tricks, likes ebery one and was a boy. Then I was born. The first day mum saw my "mismatched" face, she knew I was perfect for her! She haz dis idea that I would make other people happy too, so she wants me to be part of the pet assisted therapy program at our Humane society. She trains me ebery day, (I love my treats, so training is fine and dandy wid me.)
Kokoro's name is very cute and unusual. Where did it come from? Does it have a special meaning?
Oh, shank you. I need to tell you a thing or too about my mum. In addition to LOVING animals, she is also crazy about everything from Japan. She started giving her feline friends Japanese "names". She had a white kitty named, "Yuki" which means "snow" in Japanese. He was her "fuzzy" heart. Unfortunately he met an untimely death. So in a way, she named me for him, coz my name, kokoro, means "heart" in Japanese. Iz also have a coco coloured tail!
How long have you been blogging/creating comics?
Mum started drawing comics, by doing a daily one frame comic when her little girl started kindergarten. Mum would put the comic, about C Cat Kitty in her lunch bag. (Dat little girl is now 17!) She started my web comic in March of this year.
How is Kokoro involved in creating the webcomic? Is it based on actual things that have happened?
Because mum is at home a lot, and I always follow her where eber she goes, she always has her camera/video camera and a sketch pad wid her. She gets her ideas from watching me and Oogie (big fur sis), as well as from reading stuff on the many social networks we both visit. She also takes me places in her mini.
Kokoro cruising in the Mini. Beep beep!
Tell us a little bit about your big fur sis, Oogie.
OMC, you want to hear about Oogie! OK. She's one tough cookie, rescue kitty. Da humans fink she's a real purr box, and sweetie. I like to stalk her. She ebben showed up in one of MY comics and a video! Mum said I have to share. But she haz such long scary claws and big toofs. She can catch anything and jump super high! Oh she's old, 7 years old. (Iz 9 months).
Nice pouncing action, Kokoro!
What is Kokoro's favorite kitty treat?
Dehydrated Chicken strips!!!!!!!!!!!!! (The ones for goggies, broken up.)
Anything else you'd like to add?
The best part about starting this blog, is being part of the "anipal" pet community on Twitter, and Facebook to a lesser extent. We've met such wonderful amazing supportive pets and people. In addition to the inspiration and ideas mum gets, it's lovely to find people who have a positive passion.
Shank you so bery much.

Dat's my good friend you have interviewed. Isn't he great. I didn't know his mama created the comics until today when I saw the first one. So very well done. Thanks for highlighting my buddy. (He's very handsome too.)
Wonderful post by the Queen of Kitty Pop Culture (and my Twitter pal!) on Kokoro and his talented Mum (Twitter pals!). Two paws up and a stash of Kitty Kaviar for you!
Shank you, shank you! ~^..^~
Yay Kokoro!!! Yay Kokoro's Mom!!!
Kokoro is one of the most handsome boy kitties that I know and his Mom is one of my very, very special friends that I met on Twitter!
She is even more special to me than she knows!
She makes me smile with her great comics and loving ways!
Much love to Kokoro and his Mom!
Great interview! Great comic! Great videos!
Purrs purrs to Caren, da feeling is mutual. ~^..^~
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