Who ever thought this would happen?
If you were watching the "America's Funniest Health Videos" episode of "The Dr. Oz Show" yesterday, then chances are you saw me, the crazy cat lady named Stephanie, talking about cat litter facials in a segment about funny home remedies that actually work.
Click here to watch the video clip of me giving Dr. Oz a kitty litter facial!
I was contacted by producers in December to appear on the show after they found a post I wrote about the unusual practice in Jan. 2011. The show was taped a month ago at NBC Studios in NYC, and one of the most exciting parts was that they sent a car to my apartment to pick me up! I was told to bring two wardrobe options in "bright, jewel tones" and to do my hair and make-up as I normally would, and that it would be touched up once I got there.
In the green room, we were treated to "Dr. Oz approved snacks" like mysteriously delicious brown mini muffins and fruit on a stick. Stacy London ("What Not To Wear"), who was on the show doing a segment about beauty blunders paid us a visit, and was extremely nice, and down to earth. She even chatted with me about the Opening Ceremony cat sweater she gave to Anderson Cooper on his show the day before!
They don't bring you into the studio until your segment is about to film (and just my luck, mine was at the very end), so it was a nervous wait in the green room watching the episode on TV as it taped right down the hall. Once I got in front of the audience, Dr. Oz came over to say hello and thanked me for being there, right before the cameras started to roll. I thought it was really funny that they wanted me to rub the concoction on his face, and was excited to learn that he has 5 cats! The only thing that would have made the experience better is if they hadn't edited out me saying Catsparella!
For those asking about the kitty litter facial recipe, it's approximately 1 tablespoon of plain, unscented litter (the only ingredient should be clay) mixed with 2 tablespoons of water. Check out the video in this post for more info. I will also warn that it's very drying, so if you have dry skin, I wouldn't recommend it!
Thank you to everyone for all your kind comments about the show so far! If you missed the episode, you can watch a clip of my segment here.

I just watched the video and YOU ROCK!!! Why didn't you tell us you were going to be on? You looked GORGEOUS and I can't believe how POISED you were! I would have been a nervous wreck!!!
Can I have your "pawtograph?"
Oh and I was also thrilled to read that Dr.Oz has FIVE CATS!
That is insane!!!!! Congrats to you! I'm sure they'll bring you back to do microdermabrasions. You can bring my cat DOOD with you. He does them really well. Great news!
That is very cool (although a bit of a bummer they edited out Catsparella)
yeah, why didn't you tell us??
@Caren Thank you!! I was very nervous beforehand, but got in the zone once I was in the studio, haha! I was pretty surprised he had 5 cats, too! xoxo p.s. Of course, you can have my pawtograph anytime! ;)
@Robin Thank you!! I can still barely believe it myself, it really happened out of nowhere!! I'd love to bring DOOD. He rocks!!!
@Connie Thank you!! I mentioned it in my last Caturday post, and on Facebook and Twitter the night before the show aired, but I didn't push it because I wasn't 100% sure that my segment was going to make the cut!
That's so awesome!
This was great! Too bad my human has dry skin, she could use some of the kitty litter's "lifting" properties!
Thanks, Sparkle!! Oh, boo!
I heard about it yesterday but alas I was in the hospital. Will download the video to watch. I think this is awesome!
Thank you, Christine! I'm sorry you were in the hospital and hope everything is ok!
OMG, that's awesome!!! Congrats, and well deserved!
That was awesome, Stephanie. You did such a terrific job, and did not seem nervous at all! :)
@Cristian! Aww, so nice of you to say! Thanks so much!
@meowmeowmans Aww, thank you!!! I was really nervous beforehand!
omfg!! not only do i love this Doctor, but one of my friends is on the damn show too? what the hell? hahahahahah!
@Alyssa Thanks, lady!! <3
@Leyla hahahah, you crack me up!
hahahaha that is VERY awesome!
@Lisa hahaha, thank you!! still can't quite believe it happened myself
Wow, that was awesome! You did great, Stephanie!!
SO cool!!!! You were AWESOME!
: )
Wow, that is so awesome! I have very dry skin, so I probably shouldn't use this, but I had no idea you could do a facial with kitty litter!
That is so cool! You did a wonderful job.
@Glogirly Yay, thank you!!!!! :)
@The Island Cats Thanks so much, furriends! It was a fun experience!!
@Sierra Thank you!! Yes, it's kinda strange..but hey, Dr. Oz says it really works!?
@Sweet Purrfections Aww, thank you so much!!! ^_^
Stephanie, you looked, acted and sounded fantastic on TV. Great job! You are destined to become a kitty korrespondent on some show in the near future.
Congrats Stephanie, that's so awesome! But you think they would've let you plug Catsparella! What a shame they edited it out. Still, very very cool :)
@Lisa lol, thank you!! From your mouth to ceiling cat's ears!!!! :)
@Sarah Thank you!! It was still a cool experience, but would've been nice considering they contacted me through my blog, and I was mentioning it in response to how I found out about the recipe!
Super Hurrah!!!!
You are perfectly adorable!!!!
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