This week's cat cupcakes were submitted by Aishia, who baked up some delightful orange kitties for a charitable cause.
She writes: "A few months ago we celebrated Cupcake Day for the SPCA, where people from around New Zealand baked thousands of cupcakes to sell at work places, on the street, at schools, etc. to help raise money for the animal rescue organization.
I made a small batch of ginger cat themed cupcakes, based of Bakerella's Easy Little Pandas recipe. We managed to raise over $300 with our office bake sale!"
In 2012, Cupcake Day for the SPCA participants whipped up a mouthwatering 90,000 cupcakes for the annual event, and raised over $250,000 to help homeless animals nationwide.
Check out more pics from Aishia's office bake sale below!

Have you created or spotted any kitty-themed baked goods (or other foods) lately? If so, please submit your sweet tips for Cat Cupcake Tuesdays to catsparella@gmail.com!

Nom Nom looking Cat cupcakes and pawsome that they raiced so much money to SPCA :)
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