Last week, I broke the news that country crooner Kellie Pickler designed a cat shirt for charity, and now ~*hot off the presses*~ comes an official press release, ominously titled, "Cat-Loving Crooner Kellie Pickler Helps Design Sweater That Will Have Feline Fashionistas Saying "Me-Wow." (I'll be the judge of that!)
The "Kitty Crooner" sweater, which is available for pre-order now through the ASPCA Online Store for $35 with a 1/27 ship date, was designed by Pickler in conjunction with designer Geren Ford and Fresh Step Cat Litter. It is described as an "oatmeal heather-colored tunic sweater with green sequin embellishments...celebrating Kellie Pickler's country roots and giving wearers a modern vintage look."
It's worth noting that "celebrating" her "country roots" is code for a cat playing a banjo next to a jug of moonshine.
I'm going to reserve judgement, if only because Kellie is cool and I am down with cat fashion going mainstream to benefit the ASPCA - however, I will just say that in the eventuality that a Catsparella charity sweater is released to benefit all of the homeless cats in the world, it will definitely be sans musical instrument (I can't promise the same about the sequins, though).
100% of the proceeds from the top are going to the ASPCA as part of February's Cat Appreciation Month initiative, and Fresh Step will also be donating $1 (up to $100,000) for every fan who posts a picture of themselves wearing their favorite piece of "cat-centric clothing" on the brand's Facebook page through March 15th.
Will you be pre-ordering?
Update: Megan pointed out the "Kitty Crooner's" similarity to another famous, musical feline! Behold, the original Banjo Cat!

i'd rather have the instruments and no sequins...
I think I'll hold out for the Catsparella sweater.
@Ingrid Thanks!! That made me LOL :)
Ummm my fav was "It's worth noting that "celebrating" her "country roots" is code for a cat playing a banjo next to a jug of moonshine."You rock girl.
i'd like to pre-order yours please :)
Now the fun question...was she paying homage to this famous cat pic or just straight up ripping it off? I mean, a photo that old will be public domain, but it still seems lame that she made that shirt without even acknowledging it. I'm calling shenanigans :D
- Megan
@T lol, thanks!! :) I'll have to get working on it! haha
@Megan Wow, GOOD EYE!! The real Banjo Cat is way cuter!!
Heh, I feel like creepy pictures of cats in human situations is my specialty. And yes, the original is much cuter!
Did a bit more googling and it looks like this is the original: http://www.flickr.com/photos/20939975@N04/3077163961/
Sounds like the picture is from someone's private collection.
Oops, that last comment was me again! :D
- Megan
@Megan Oh, dear: "We have had this cabinet card of a cat playing a banjo for years. Although some photographers used stuffed animals for genre images we feel that this kitty is alive if obviously annoyed at being posed with a banjo, top hat, and gloves."
I need one of these!!!! I am far too late but if anyone has one they want to sell me ;)
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