Smokey and Joe with their new dad, firefighter Trevor Bernard!
After battling a Sheffield house fire back in May, firefighter Trevor Bernard couldn't get his mind off the two kittens that were rescued from the blaze.
While on the scene, Bernard witnessed a mother cat carrying a kitten out of the house in her mouth, but couldn't help because he was busy extinguishing the flames. However, after the fire was put out, Bernard and his crew re-entered the house to check for hotspots, where they heard meows, and were able to dig a kitten out of the rubble.
After leaving the scene of the incident, Bernard, who couldn't get the rescued kitten off his mind, received a call saying that another kitten had been found alive. The two surviving cats were brought to the local RSPCA to recuperate, and after their original owners decided they no longer wanted them (booo!!), Bernard knew what he had to do.
He told The Sun, "I kept thinking about them both and thought after what they had been through and survived they deserved another stab at life, so I went home and spoke to my wife and kids and they said, 'What are you waiting for - got and get them!'"
He calls the kittens, who have been named Smokey and Joe, "really fun and mischievous - very cool cats!" and is looking forward to having them home with his family to celebrate their first Christmas together.
Via The Star

Aww, lovely :D
What a nice guy! Double BOO! to the original owners.
My kind of hero!
It's the season of miracles! I hope Santa is very good to Trevor Bernard, Smokey, Joe and all their family!
I suppose if the owners house burnt down it may not have been their choice to leave them (one of my worst nightmares!) but yay to the fireman for being their knight in shining armour (or uniform)
That is a great story. There really are some really nice people in the world. Take care
Now this story warms my heart - kudos to Bernard and his family for taking the babies in.
I love this story! I would hope that someone would rescue my cats if a fire started. Double points if they would adopt them if I could no longer care for them. Good job, Trevor!
I love this story! I would hope that someone would rescue my cats if a fire started. Double points if they would adopt them if I could no longer care for them. Good job, Trevor!
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