Cat Cupcakes
This week's delightful cat cupcakes come to us courtesy of C for Cupcake Cupcakery, a cupcake couture and catering service, located at the heart of Orange County in California.
A client asked Carmen to craft a batch of sweet treats for a cat-themed tea party.
She writes on her blog:
"My client sent me pictures of her lovely cats, and she was very open minded to any design. So I came up with a design to match her mice invitations and some cat toys and fishes....and OF COURSE, her four cats. I wanted to keep everything French inspired -- simple and modern. They came out amazingly adorable! And everyone at the party loved them."
Be sure to check out the C for Cupcake Cupcakery website for pics of the kitties who inspired the cupcakes, and follow them on Facebook for all of their latest creations!

Have you created or spotted any kitty-themed baked goods (or other foods) lately? If so, please submit your sweet tips for Cat Cupcake Tuesdays to catsparella@gmail.com!

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