When Venus the Chimera cat's picture began making the rounds on the internet last week, many people questioned the authenticity of the photo depicting the cat who seemingly had two faces. Fortunately, in an age where Photoshop is the norm, sometimes what you see really is what you get, and Venus, the cat with half a black face with a green eye and half an orange face with a blue eye, is a real life Harvey Dent -- albeit a whole lot cuter!

While there is some debate as to whether she is a chimera or a mosaic cat (blah blah science!), there is no question that the three-year-old is a gentle and loving kitty, whose owner says loves being babied. Named after the Greek goddess of beauty and love, Venus was adopted from a dairy farm in North Carolina in 2009 after her adoptive family saw photos of her online. Her instantly smitten mama was initially drawn to the kitten because she looked like a combination of her two cats (an orange tabby and black tux), but maintains, "She is such a wonderful cat and I'd be just as in love with her even if she wasn't so pretty."

After coming to the realization that her unique cat had gone viral, Venus's owner started a Facebook page dedicated the famous feline, which has already swelled to over 13,000 admirers since August 14.

She's gorgeous! Love to know she's real, and a real lover.. as well as well-loved! :D
That is so cool and amazing. I've always wanted a cat with different colored eyes. My husband thought this was fake. I'll have to show him this post later.
Pretty amazing on first glance, but if you go to the Facebook page, the cat there and one here don't look at all the same. I think what's happened is that there might have been some photoshop involved in cleaning up the center line of the cat's face. That's kind of dishonest. Cute cat, though.
Mary, what Facebook photo are you referring to? There is a whole album of pictures that appear to be legitimate, plus some videos that seem to prove she is real.
She is beautiful, real, and genuine as my next breath. xox
There is no question that se is absolutely stunning!
WOW! That's the most amazing looking cat. LOVE.
Pop culture pussycat is a great definition of this beautiful creature!
Isn't she lovely!
I saw one of her pictures on fb today and I thought it was a fake. Thanks for clearing that up :D
-- Megan
Wow! beautiful looking cat.. i guess she has the best of both worlds haha
WOW what a face!!!! Love those eyes :-)
What an absolutely gorgeous kitty cat... she has stolen my heart :)
such a pretty cat :3
Venus is a Greek goddess, not roman...
@Anon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_(mythology)
you are right about this. but roman used deities and gods from the greek pantheon
@anon I shall concede defeat :)
I had no intention to defeat you but to inform about the correct origin of Venus. I am greek after all ;-)
@anon aww, thank you!
also i didn t mean to ruin this thread so you should probably erase this last comments. hi from Athens
@anon you didn't ruin it!! no worries! welcome! hello from nj!
pfff...freakin' devil!
but fascinating!...
Love, love, love this cat!!! I wish I could find me one!!!
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