Cats lovers of all ages (and stripes) recently gathered in Bridgend, UK in an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the most people dressed up in cat costumes at the same time.

The Catahon event was sponsored by Cats Protection Bridgend Adoption Centre, and spectators were asked to show up in furry costumes that met a very specific set of requirements for the world record breaking feat. "Any member of the feline family including large cats e.g. lions, tigers etc. is acceptable," it was advised. Key features were said to include ears, whiskers, face paint or cat mask, paws, tail, and body clothing to represent colors of the animal chosen.

While the record has never been officially attempted before (my guess is that it would easily be achieved at the Kattenstoet Festival in Belgium), an impressive 211 cat fanatics showed up to parade around, raise money, and compete in costume contests to help benefit the shelter. Guinness officials had advised that at least 800 people be on paw for the event, but organizers are still optimistic that the attempt will be recognized as an official British record when the results are announced next month.
Click over to the Cats Protection Bridgend Adoption Centre Facebook page to check out even more cat-tastic costumes!

This looks awesome! I so want to organise one in Sydney!
Sounds like my kind of pawty!
What a great idea! Love this!
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