Katy Perry. Lady Gaga. Rihanna. Nicki Minaj. Long before these ladies were transforming their looks with multi-hued hairdos, the cats of "Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs" were expressing themselves through the power of technicolor locks.
As a creative-type person, I'm always looking for new things and people be inspired by, and Julie Jackson has been one major source of inspiration in my life, even before I started blogging. Jackson's Subversive Cross Stitch taught me everything I know about the addictive needlecraft, and evidence of my obsession still remain in my parent's living room in the form of matching Mom and Dad stitched tattoos that sit side-by-side on top of their television set.
After her success with Subversive Cross Stitch, Jackson teamed up with her beloved Siamese cat (and cover model), Boone, to create Kitty Wigs (the book), along with an eponymous line of mini-hairpieces made to fit your ultra-glamorous pussycat. She says the wigs "are not only a way to add something sublime to your cat's character, but they provide a way for you to spend more quality time together -- to dream together," while Cute Overload (another early blogging inspiration of mine) calls it, "totally new levels of redonkulessness." Kitty Wigs has been mentioned pretty much everywhere and has even been translated into Korean and Japanese, while Julie continues to prove to aspiring cat-repreneurs like myelf that it is possible to turn your quirky passions into a career.
"Glamourpuss" by Julie Jackson and photographed by Jill Johnson, features "60 stylish portraits showcasing furry models in the most fetching custom-made cat wigs ever created," and "begs to answer the age-old question: what on earth do cats do all day?" Kitty Wigs also has its own iPhone app, and recently became available in all digital formats through Amazon.
Enter To Win!
Ms. Jackson herself has generously offered one lucky Catsparella reader the chance to win a copy of "Glamourpuss: The Enchanting World of Kitty Wigs" of their very own!
To enter, leave a comment on this post with your name and some way for me to contact you if you win (email, link back to your blog or profile, Twitter, etc.). The winner be will chosen in a random drawing next Tuesday, July 31st at 5:00PM EST. This giveaway is open to everyone, so our international friends can participate, too! One entry per person, please.
Good luck, and be sure to visit the Kitty Wigs website, and follow them on Facebook for fun updates and info on all of their latest designs!
(If you have trouble leaving a comment, please email me at catsparella@gmail.com)
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