I've written about Hermitage Cats in the past, but a great video emerged this week that gives us another inside look at the 70 cats who call the St. Petersburg landmark their home.
Countless numbers of fortunate felines have worked at the Russian art museum over the past 200 years, where they were first brought in to control the rats and mice that infested the hallways of the palace during the 18th-century. Nowadays, the cats have their own HQ in the basement, where they are given all the kibble, cuddles, and medical attention they need. Technically they are supposed to lay low while they patrol the grounds, but occasionally a kitty will sneak out to explore the galleries (because cats love art, too!).
Some of the kitties end up getting adopted (which I think is a nice way of saying sometimes people take them). As one caretaker relates, "People see young, sweet animals, and take them to their homes." She also explains how some of the cats are considered good luck due to their coloring, and owning a Hermitage cat is a sign of prestige.
Thanks to our friends at the IBKC for the tip!
Know of any cat-themed travel destinations, or have any cool kitty vacation pics to share? Drop me a line at catsparella@gmail.com!

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