Last month, we received a firsthand (err..paw?) account of the perils of Cat Boredom (aka "CB") from Henri, Le Chat Noir - the chronically blah house kitty who turned his philosophical French thoughts into a viral video hit.
Now, Friskies has bravely come forward to address the chronic condition that silently affects "jillions" of cats each year, whose naturally lazy dispositions simply ooze with ennui. Comedian Chris Parnell stars in the SNL-style sketch, and recommends that you boost your kitty's spirits with some treats - although, the toys, confetti, and cat tree featured in the clip probably wouldn't hurt either.
With the stigma associated with being a listless feline quickly becoming a thing of the past, how long until the cause of Cat Boredom sees a line of awareness bracelets, and a Purr for the Cure walk of its very own?

What a hilarious PSA! Petunia must currently be suffering from CB. She has the same look on her face as those in that PSA.
I know all 6 of my cats have CB ennui now...but they just had their treats.
It's amusing, but I HOPE people don't take this seriously and think that feeding their cat treats is the way to alleviate boredom? Yikes. Not good for feline health.
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