Beth with Oscar, Arty, and Pixie
Beth Wilson is one of my favorite cat people on the web: A talented feline enthusiast and an all around cool cat lady who resides in Bristol, UK with her boyfriend Daz, and her three gorgeous cats, Pixie, Arty, and Oscar.

Beth blogs about her cool feline fashion finds, cat charity work, and her own kitties (of course!), and also runs a successful cat art business called DoodleCats. On most Sundays you can find her in a booth at Tobacco Market in Bristol, but for those of us who can't make the trip, she also has an Etsy shop, filled with her adorable array of original cat-themed illustrations. From jewelry, greeting cards, stationary, and more, Beth produces products that are all about having a sense of cat lady pride -- and style!

Enter to Win!

DoodleCats Prize Pack
Beth has generously offered to give a DoodleCats prize pack away to one very lucky Catsparella reader! The prize package consists of: A Love Cat magnet and necklace, Best Friends pocket mirror, 5 mini badges, one "Rescue cats are the best breed" badge, and a never before seen exclusive Crazy Cat Lady Shopping Bag!

To enter, leave a comment on this post with your name and some way for me to contact you if you win (email, link back to your blog or profile, Twitter, etc.). The winner be will chosen in a random drawing next Tuesday, May 1st at 5:00PM EST. This giveaway is open to everyone, so our international friends can participate, too. One entry per person, please.
Good luck, and be sure to check out Beth's blog, visit the DoodleCats Etsy shop, and follow her Facebook page for cute kitty pics and updates on all of her latest projects!
(If you have trouble leaving a comment, please email me at catsparella@gmail.com.)
[Comments are now closed. Thanks for entering!]

Oh I hope I can wins these beautifuls things. I LOVES them. xoxox
I also on twitter @katiebella2 xoxox
so cute!! sezanoff@gmail.com
My six cats would love me to sport a Crazy Cat Lady bag!!
Martha and the six pack: Lucy, Snaggles, Waffles, Moon Pie, Biscuit, and Luna J. Pickles
Please add my name in your contest we love everything cats.
Thank you @Spokyshorty
Would love to win! I live with 5 cats & we love everything cats! :)
Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
Aww this is so adorable ^^ (you can contact me on my blog or at poupouneinmakeupland (atte) gmail.com
thanks for this contest :)
What a fabulous giveaway! I love the rescue badge!
I'm a nutcase of a catlady between my own, my strays and my ferals I feed over 60 purr faces a day, would love to show off the bling
Such a lovely idea!I am the crazy cat lady Sasha(dot)valentene(at)gmail.com
These are so adorable!!!!!!! Likehermione@yahoo.com
These are so adorable! I would love to win them.
Love it! Kelly
Awesome stuff! Could I be entered?
you're amazing!!! silippa@hotmail.it
Love her stuff!
I love it! kmkirwan@gmail.com
Fantastically creative catsy items! moonpiewoman@yahoo.com
All of these things are sooo adorable! Thanks smcross78@hotmail.com
Oh, these are too kawaii! lisa61484@gmail.com
I Love this page, I too am a crazy cat Lady, I have 4 beutiful rescued cats a 2 yr old girl named stinker a 3 yr old girl named bunny and a 5 yr old boy named tiger and a 6 yr old boy named jazz .my e-mail is froggy001@comcast.net
oooooooooo, so cute!!!
This is absolutely lovely! <33
contact: angelminded95@yahoo.com
I sense some major cuteness! tehe.
My email is- pinkpanda105@live.com
I write this as my cat sits in my lap :) Amanda - arsinele@gmail.com
Tina K. Brown ~ browntk56(at)yahoo(at)com.
Karyn P - awesomesaucey@gmail.com
These are all gorgeous! Pick me! ;o)
Alia Broman
I am truly a crazy cat lady, even though I only have 2 kittys. In my head I have at least 10.
with 3 cats and no boyfriend at 24...'crazy cat lady' is sounding more and more like the story of my life.
sign me up!
Her illustrations are adorable!
These are all so adorable. Not only am I a cat person, I have two friends who are dedicated cat ladies. They would love these pieces and wear them with pride.
These are so cute! Especially love the dressed-up cat mini-cards! (Mary Fung, aurowa@aol.com)
What is not to love about ALL of these lovelies?! So cute! annifive@hotmail.com)
Would LOVE all these kitty goodies! :)
- Kristy | knishina(at)yahoo(dot)come
Thanks for the giveaway!
Love it!
Woo hoo! DoodleCats!!! :)
What a CUTE Etsy shop! These are adorable. : )
Thanks for such a cool giveaway.
xoxo, Katie & Glogirly
What talent...so adorable. kittymombo@gmail.com
When I win I will share these great items with the staff and volunteers at North County Humane Society in Atascadero, California. Thank you!
Sally -- sally.knight1@att.net
wow!! Those are some cool cat doodles!! We would love to win them for our Mom!!
Your TX furiends,
Her designs are so so cute! Thanks for writing about them. I want to win them! pugalicious@ymail.com
maryflor g. recla
email: maryflor.recla@yahoo.com
twitter: @itsmargrex
fb: http://www.facebook.com/maryflor.r
oh our mom loves deze doodle catz stuff! Her am an artist too!
our email am in our purfile at our bloggie. laugh_safely atz yahoo dotz com.
purrz, katie kitty too.
Ow, cute! Mrauuu
Love Doodlecats!
I love her stuff . . and am verging on crazy cat lady myself with four :0)
fingers crossed, Riva :0)
Ooooh, pick me pick me! Beth's Doodlecats are the BEST!
omg omg meeeeooooowww.
My goal in life is the whole old lady with 70 cats thing.
I really loved, my cats were rescued from the streets or adopted, I help stray cats (i even built them a house!).
These are so cute :)
What a fab giveaway please include me
Oh I love Beth Wilson crazy cat lady too!! I already have the dressed up cat cards, so cute!! I would love to win!!!! Monica x
I just discovered your blog, and I'm already in love :)
Thanks for this opportunity
I have seen beths work first hand and it is beautiful xx
I love your art sooo much! I hope to become the happy owner of this beautiful pack! :)
You find me on facebook on the following link: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=542610992
Beth is such a fabulous lady. I love her art work and her photography too.
You can contact me on the Pirate Pixie Crew page on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/PiratePixieCrew
I love, love LOVE Beth's work and i follow her updates on FaceBook all the time. I just melt over the photos of her three gorgeous cats, Pixie, Arty, and (MY FAVORITE) Oscar. Best Wishes to ALL CAT PEOPLE and please spay and neuter your pets, free roamers, homeless and feral cats (and dogs too)! Don't buy...ADOPT! :)
OOPSies forgot to add my email wanda_velez@spayflorida.org URL www.spayflorida.org thanks for the opportunity BETH you are AWESOME!!!
That is so cute! I would really love to win this prize pack <3 I bet my cousins would love it too :)
these are so lovely! keeping my fingers crossed for myself ;)
Laura Ritter here from the U.S.A.
Your artwork is absolutely adorable. I'd love to win just a small piece of it.
also found on facebook
P.S. Your Pixie looks like my Mr. Fred
Mao! What a kittylicious prize pack :)
It's all so beautiful!!
starlinha (at) gmail (dot) com
love doodlecats!
michele solsticeclarity@comcast.net
My name is Linda. I would love to win the Doodlecats Prize pack because like Beth I am a Crazy Cat Lady too. I have two rescue cats, Rasca and Pica and they like to keep up to date with Pixie, Arty and Oscar on Facebook. I think the artwork of Doodlecats is soooooo cute :-)
Love Doodlecats stuff!
Beth does really cute cats & I enjoy her posts on Facebook! :) ~Charles Erickson III on FB
What a great prize you can contact us at alasandra (at) cableone (dot) net. We thinks our Mommy would love them.
Please enter me into the competition too. The designs look lovely.
lroberts@wrightbrothersinc.com or
Since my cats are 4,500 miles away at my parents' home, it's always a pleasure to read about Beth's. I love her art, and numerous kitty pictures. :3
April 25, 2012 10:37 AM
What a great prize pack...we would love to win!
Four Crazy Cats
You can email our mom at scanipe1 at nc dot rr dot com if we win :)
Add me on your contest 'cause I'm the most crazy cat lasy around here! =3 miky8792@gmail.com
I follow Doodlecats on Facebook and Beth's blog. She is truly a talented artist. My four cats would love it if I won the drawing!
I love Beth and Doodlecats so what a great giveaway!
These are so cute, would love to win them!
Christine C.
There can't ever be too many Doodlecats!
riiva at hotmail dot co dot uk
DoodleCats is one of my fave shops on Etsy and so I would love to win this super cute prize :-)
gemini_uk at hotmail dot com
Cute stuff.
Hope I win!
Amy Orvin
Wow, Tuny and I would love to win this!!
radeeolover at yahoo dot com
What a fabulous gift! `Debbie
Glad I came across this blog. Love it!
I would love & share the DoodleCats prize pack giveaway of: a Love Cat magnet and necklace, Best Friends pocket mirror, 5 mini badges, one "Rescue cats are the best breed" badge, and a never before seen exclusive Crazy Cat Lady Shopping Bag! How generous & adorable! Dee. deoneg@yahoo.com
Glad I came across this blog. Love it!
How cute! :)
Sarah Graves
Wow! How cute!!! I would love to win.
Cheryl J
So very cute!! I would love to have these :)
Neko Michelle Castleberry
What adorable items! My four girls and I would love to win these! Thanks for the giveaways!
Absolutely love everything in this package!! I hope I win andbe able to share some with my cat loving friends...lots of us are crazy cat ladies:)
Jackie Pasquini
Im the manager @ sayreville pet adoption center and would love to put some of these things on our kittys
Oh my goodness! This stuff is adorable! I just went and liked her Facebook page and favorited her Etsy shop. Can't wait to look at all of her cool things!
Rebecca R.
Loud and proud to be a crazy cat lady!!
WOW! What an amazing prize pack! I have had the luck of working with Beth in the past and she is amazing! I saw a little piece of her art (it was smaller than a postage stamp) in a UK cat magazine and when I emailed her about it, she was more than happy to help me get a 5X7 print of it for my son's room. An all round great lady with amazing art! Fingers are REALLY tightly crossed for this contest!!
gingertabby76 at gmail dot com
Wow, her stuff looks fantastic, I'm going straight over to her etsy shop to have a look!!! Please enter me in the contest :-)
I'm a crazy cat lady and I like it!
What a purrfect giveaway!
I also like the sticky notes in the Etsy shop, ultra cute!
Anything that says Crazy Cat Lady I'm in! @ ItsMeDeaner
Oh please, I'm a crazy cat lady with a more than crazy cat! I would be over the meowoon if i won :)
Wonderful kitty goodies—count me in!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
Please enter me in the DoodleCats Prize Pack giveaway...I am "mom" to two wonderful rescue cats, Jasper and Reggie, who happen to be feline leukemia positive. We took Reggie, who is less than a year old, into our family after Jasper lost his two siblings to leukemia and was a very lonely cat. He is now happily pestered daily by a very energetic Reggie, LOL. We celebrate each and every day together! Wendy speechie1957(at)yahoo(dot)com
Please enter me in the giveaway. I am mom to a wonderful rescue named Shadow.
I would LOVE love love to win this!! My Fantastic Four (which is what I call my gaggle of four cats) would also love for me to win this :)
we would love to win these great prizes!
Oh, what a great great giveaway for those of us who are proud to be called crazy cat ladies!
jhbalvin at gmail dot com
Love it! :)
My name is Leslie E. Krill & I would like to enter this giveaway contest, the items are soooooo cute! If I would win please email me at thrower7373(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thank you and have a Meow-y Nice Day!!! :-)
Those are some cute cat crafts! >^ -.- ^<
Love Doodlecats! Super cute :)
What a "purrfect" giveaway!
Oh my goodness... this is SOOO cute!!! Thank you for the chance to win!!
azizah.asgarali (at) gmail (dot) com
such cute stuff. shannoncont@yahoo.ca
I would love this!!
How fun!! Love those key rings, will have to check out her shop... jenhendee - at - sbcglobal - dot - net
I LOVE these designs. I'm a sucker for anything with cats but these are especially adorable. How FUN! Even as a kid I knew I'd grow up to be a crazy cat lady. If anyone implies there's something wrong with that then they just have no clue.
****Please adopt an unwanted animal and if you have the means please consider a "special needs" pet. I highly recommend it.****
Here's my Facebook link-
I love those designs! I'm heading over to her Etsy shop now.
Twitter: fezabel
Love these! I'm heading over to check out her Etsy now :) Please enter me!
Please enter us in your give away!
Laurie and the "Girls"
oh what fun!! I really like her style
Adorable stuff!!
Thanks for the generous offer to give a DoodleCats prize pack away to one very lucky Catsparella reader of a Love Cat magnet, necklace, Best Friends pocket mirror, 5 mini badges, one "Rescue cats are the best breed" badge, & a never before seen exclusive Crazy Cat Lady Shopping Bag! elvendragonslayr@aol.com
Ah so cute! Hope I win!
Catperson, talented and generous too!
My Bubbles would love the bag - he was rescued by the fire dept from a storm-water drain 15 years ago and has always loved hiding away in bags and baskets!
We can be found at purdiej at gmail.com
All of my cats are rescue cats and I am a crazy cat lady with my family :))
thank you!
So cute! Thanks for offering the chance to win such adorable goodies!
e-mail Nikki at starlightone@hotmail.com
Really great stuff, hope i win. email stephancassie@gmail.com
So adorable and cool! beth.emmons@ymail.com
I love these! And they could really cement my status as a Crazy Cat Lady! :) Thanks to Catsparella and Beth for this great giveaway! --Amy (aimosaur@gmail.com)
I would love to win this pack! I am definitely a crazy cat lady (we have four currently and I already want a fifth, but the hubby says no).
Thank you and Beth for the oppurrtunity (hah!) to win! :)
Awww! Cuteness-cuteness-cuteness!!! ((I'm @TwentyCarlo on Twitter, or my Google ID should show on this comment))
what an awesome prize pack!! @pudgebutters pudgebutters at gmail dot com
so cute!
gfc: nagrade
allthegiveaways at gmail dot com
shared: http://svenagrade.blogspot.com/2012/04/catsparella-giveaway.html
omgosh! Such cute artwork. Thanks for the giveaway.
Rescue cats ARE the best breed. Hope my fur family and I win this awesome prize. koalasuit at yahoo dot com
I hope i can win, Andrés Carvajal andryu007_1@hotmail.com
hope i win! xx
Soooo adorable. If I win, I will send these to my daughter and my "grandcat" :-)
I love the designs! Beth is certainly talented, and I'd love to win this prize pack!
I love all things cat-I have been told I am addicted to anything dealing with cats. My email address is marycheverie@yahoo.com
LOVE these, they are purradorable - if I win, I'll donate them to my local rescue to auction off
from one crazy cat lady to another
What a cool shop!!! :)
They are adorable!
Ahhh! I love kitties :)
Would love to win this cute kittie stuff...thank you meowy much! joanlhernandez714@gmail.com
Yah Doodlecats!
If I am drawn please contact me at tracy.tcr(@)gmail.com
I have 3 kitties: Ernie, Dolly and Lucy. Lucy was a rescue. I am a proud cat woman! Haha. My email is jamieleonewolting@gmail.com. We would love to win! Fingers and paws crossed. :)
Jennifer Deermer
I want this soo bad. All this stuff will go great with my cat visor =^.^=
Amanda Cummings
Yay kitty items! emilylouise37@gmail.com
The prizes are beautiful. I always love what you post and look forward to reading everyday. we should run "who's the ultimate cat lady contest".
Janine Rowe
Hey Stephanie...wonderful post!! Beth is one of my favorite Cat Lady's!!
I am the proud owner of DoodleCats cards, keychain and necklace...her work is wonderful!!
If I don't win I'm going to have to order more cards....I'm almost out!
♥toni / rctees
Met the lovely Beth at the tobacco factory today and she has very kindly agreed to do a custom drawing for a friend who has just adopted a rescue cat. Thanks Beth, I'll forever be a fan!
Beautiful cat things!love them!
Cute! Cute! Cute! The winner will be lucky!
very cute!!! nives.viola@gmail.com
Meeeeeoowwww! Sniff Sniff! ooohhh purrr puurrr rolleee purrrrr i would hope to beee so lickie I mean luckie! [i'm rolling and being so adorable and thankfullll at your feeet] pleeeezeee pick meeee!
I think I have reached crazy cat lady status :) G0ldenleaf@yahoo.com
Love your blog Catsparella!
We would like to enter if it isn't too late.
The mom's name is Sierra. You can reach us at http://fureverywhere.blogspot.com or at fureverywhere@gmail.com. :)
As a cat freak who has 7 house fur babies of my own and has had as many as 13 at one time, this is a fab giveaway for me! LOL LOVE this stuff...adorable! Thanks for the chance to win!
14earth at gmail dot com
Love your blog!:)
My name is Adrienn Luzics
email: barienn at gmail dot com
Hi there just found your Blog via moderncat and love it already! I have 7 cats and have been known as Crazy cat lady since I was about 22 am now 39! I would love to enter your giveaway you can contact me via Twitter (@DawnCosten)
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