"Single Ladies (Put A Ring On It)" - Beyonce
"I guess it's like Al Yankovic, only all about cats."
So goes the "About" page of Kitties & Bulls**t (heh), a new Tumblr created by artist Sofia Falcon, who takes memorable song lyrics and runs them through her magical cat translator before matching them up with her equally brilliant illustrations.
While the site appears to just be getting started, Falcon's lyrical interpretations so far range from Modest Mouse to Biz Markie, with some of my favorites including her take on Beyonce, Kelis, Akon, and Blink-182.
Now imagine if other musicians started taking note, and adding cats to song lyrics became a full on trend?
Taylor Swift would arrive at the Grammy Awards covered in cat hair, and Kitty Purry's litter box could become the inspiration behind Katy Perry's next Billboard hit.
All images: sofia falcon / CC BY-NC-ND 3.0
Via Modcatlove

Love this! She's got a brilliant idea in the works. Perhaps she could make greeting cards out of her work?
I thought I was the only one who did this (and disturbed my boyfriend)!
BEST.THING.EVER. (from someone who jazz dances around the house singing "I don't think you're ready for this kitty, cos my Sookie's too Sookielicious for yoooouuu" - my take on Destinys Child's Bootilicious... Sookie is my cat) =^..^=
@Kitcaboodles LOL. Omg!I love you!
LOL thank you.. unfortunately there's no limit to my 'lyricism', the funniest thing is when hubby starts singing them too :)
hahahahahaha omg i love this
so unique and hilarious!
OMC! Now I know how to fix my hidden shame of never remembering lyrics! I also think Kitcaboodles needs a Youtube channel. Ke ke ke
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