Congrats goes out to our friend Kendy of MissMuffcake who wrote in to share her gorgeous new kitty tattoo! Her cat Mar (a.k.a. Marilyn) is one handsome, 14-year-old, cancer surviving dude who loves eating spaghetti, smelling flowers, and being brushed.
Kendy writes:
I have been wanting to get Mar done for a few years. I went around to a handful of shops and was either unimpressed with the artist's attitude or work. I happened upon a tattoo shop while buying cosmetics in the mall and found an artist that got it! 2.5 hours later I got Mar on my arm!
Artist: Christopher Corvi
Shop: Art 4 Art Sake (Sacramento, CA)
Special thanks to Kendy for showing off her new ink! What an amazing way to symbolize how Mar is always with you!

Wow! That is some amazing ink!
I second what meowmeowmans just said!
thank you so much again!
-Kendy & Mar
I love this ink tribute!!!!
This is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I could have my girl on my arm. No one could capture her beauty the way Mar is done.
Wow! Well done! My mommy would need her whole back to haf my beyootiful self done!
Gorgeous ink! I'd love to get tattoos of my furbabies, but getting them all would take up my entire body LOL
Cool !!! I want my mom to have one : )
That is an amazing tattoo! I want one of my cat, but have been unable to find an artist I trust for such a "big" piece!
Jana - you need to shop around! It took me 5 artist and over a year to find someone who got it!
To missmuffcake, that is the BEST kat-tat I've ever seen! Purrrrfect! The artist captured Mar's likeness and hopefully a little of her purrsonality too! My precious Pearlie just passed and I'm trying to find a local artist as talented as you did. Enjoy your new ink!
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