As I recently mentioned, I'm packing up the cats (not literally, I'm pretty sure they don't really appreciate traveling) and heading to Tysons Corner, VA at the end of August for BlogPaws 2011, a blogging and social media conference dedicated to you guessed it - pets!
As part of the festivities, Dogtime is hosting the 2011 Petties Awards, an annual celebration recognizing excellence among animal-loving bloggers of all stripes. The Petties are the only awards nominated by, voted for, and presented to individuals in the pet blogging community.
The best part is, that winners will receive a $500 donation to the shelter of their choice, as their way of saying thanks for making a difference!
Priscilla's adorable little tongue is hypnotizing you into voting for us! (The story behind this photo could be a whole blog post in itself)
I work hard every day to make Catsparella one of the most unique cat blogs around by posting all the latest cat stories and updates, many of which you won't find anywhere else. Over the past 10 months (my 1 year anniversary is coming up on August 3rd!), I've written over 650 posts dedicated to bringing you the best in cat news, trends, interviews, videos, products, fashion, cupcakes, giveaways, reviews, and more!
The Petties 2011 Nomination Form
If you like my blog, I would be honored if you would take a moment to nominate me in the category of Best Cat Blog!
How To Vote:
1. Click here to access The Petties 2011 Nomination Ballot (http://dogtime.com/petties) - Voting closes on June 29th!
2. You don't have to register to vote, but you will have to enter in your Name and Email Address.
3. In the Best In Category section, select the category of Best Cat Blog.
4. In the right hand column labeled Nominee Information, please fill out the following info:
Name: Stephanie Harwin
Nominee URL: http://www.catsparella.com
Nominee Email: catsparella@gmail.com
5. Fill out the "Why Should This Blog Win" field (100 characters or less).
I truly appreciate every single one of you who stops by to read and comment, and it's because of you I keep hoofing along! If you enjoy visiting my blog for your daily fix of "All cats, All the time," please know that your support means the world to me! xo
Cool kitty thanks you for your time.

Good luck & I hope you win <3<3
@cuppy Thanks so much, lady!!! You know I ♥ your blog too!
Done! Good luck Wave across the Potomac toward my house in Maryland when you're in VA. The kids and I will be waving back.
Done! Good luck :)
Happy to pass a vote your way! We love your hip and high-styling take on the kitty world!
Meows and Purrs - Zee and Zoey
We will head over and get you nominated!
I went over and nominated you. I enjoy your blog all the time!! Good luck. I hope you will win!!!
Voted for you!
@Karen Thanks!! I'll definitely give you guys a wave!! :)
@Tanya Thank you from one cat lady to another! :)
@Zee and Zoey Thank you, friends!! Will I be seeing you at BlogPaws??
@Amy That you, my dear!! I really appreciate it!!
@Tamago Thank you for your kind words and support!! Your blog always makes me smile :)
@missmuffcake Thank you!! I can't wait for Caturday this week! ;D
i will vote later and is this priscilla wearing a hypnotic sunglass?
@Chikorimasou Thank you for your vote!! :) No, it's not her..but I wish it was!!
A Pettie award would be a super-duper-headbonk for the great work you do. I've cast my vote! Rooting for you, Stephanie.
DONE!! We love you.....
@Lolcat Lisa Aww, thank you for saying that!! *headbonks* :)
@Random Felines Yay, thanks! Love you too! xo
DONE & DONE! Everyone else needs to get on that voting bandwagon, Right Meow :)
Haha..thank you, Jana! I like the way you think!! *high paw!*
Done :-)
Good luck!
Was referred from HSP's page :-)
@Anonymous Thanks for your help, and welcome!! :)
Nominated! Good luck! Your blog deserves it :D
Thank you, Megan!!!!!!! :D :D :D
All done! I know you're gonna ace this one! :)
@Weetzie's Sending many thanks your way!! Have a wonderful weekend! :D
We voted for you, Catsparella! You are the best! We love your pic with Priscilla, you are both so pretty!
Aw, thank you so much, Sivan!! Say hello to Miss Shira for us!! Meow! :)
Done <3 :)
@SexyKPistol Thank you so much! <3 :D
Done :D Good Luck!!
Woohoo! Yay, Imelda - thank you!!!!
SO glad we didn't miss our chance to vote! Weez got our paws crossed, for you!
THANK YOU Koko, Oogie, and Michele!!!!!! Luv you guys! Thanks for being there from the start :)
Good luck!
Hope you will win!!
Thank you, Miri!!! :) ♥
Voted for you; Cool tuxies gotta stick together! Good luck!! =^,,^=
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