June is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat month, and did you know that black cats are half as likely to be adopted than cats of other colors? The San Francisco SPCA made this cute video extolling the virtues of owning a coal-colored kitty, and I can also tell you from personal experience that black cats have brought me nothing but good luck (and big, big hair)!
If you're thinking about adopting a cat (of any color!) or volunteering, I recommend checking out Petfinder to find a shelter near you. If you can't add another kitty to your home right now, but are looking for other ways to help, Petside posted this great article about "5 Easy Ways To Help Shelter Cats: Low Commitment Edition," that includes simple tips on ways to help make shelter cats' lives better, by simply donating your Facebook status, or throwing a party!
Have you had a lucky black cat in your life? Share your stories in the comments! (We have a nice thread going on Facebook, too!)
(Thanks to Pawesome for the find!)
Click here to help us get nominated for Best Cat Blog at The Petties 2011 Pet Blog Awards! Voting is open until June 29th!

I don't have any black cats in my life, but this is a great post to bring attention to them... Thanks.
pawhugs, Max
Thanks so much for posting this, what an honor.
I helped make this video for the SFSPCA. I'm one of their volunteers, and they're such a terrific organization.
We wanted this to be a cute, quirky, fun video and glad you enjoyed it.
Thanks again. :)
Hi Christian! Thanks so much for stopping by! I love the video..thanks for helping bring awareness to the plight of black shelter kitties! :)
I am certainly lucky to have my black cat Luna! She is the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever had, and I've had lots of cats.
I don't know why, but black cats seem to have awesome personalities.
I have you and Pawesome to thank for helping bring this message to more people.
This video has gotten more traction because of your wonderful blogs.
I am incredibly grateful, and so are these kitties, which hopefully get more attention and are welcomed into loving homes.
All the black cats I've known are smart and beautiful. Black cats were originally and erroneously linked with witches and the devil during the Burning Times when thousands of cats were killed along with innocent women. Every Halloween the negative stereotypes of witches and black cats gets re-activated but it's time to move our mindset out of the Dark Ages.
I love my lucky black kitty so much. Nobody wanted her because she only has one good eye. She is so adorable, and in fact she has her own facebook.
~kara marie
Thanks for your comments, everyone!!
@Kara Aw, she's beautiful!!! I'd love to know more about her!
I >LOVE< black cats! Of the 11 cats I've owned over the last 30 years (obviously not all at once!), 4 have been black & 3 have been grey (muted black gene, thus, in my mind, "honorary black")
[The other 4 were 2 Siamese, an orange Tabby, and a solid-white]
Every one has had a LARGE PERSONALITY, and an absolute JOY to have as a companion!
I now have a new appreciation for black cats. Thank you!
That's Phil. In a bow tie. Black cats are amazing.
That's the best pic, Paula! Made me lol!! He's a handsome boy! :)
Seems I have always been owned by a black cat. They have always been the more sweet-tempered felines. I lost my beautiful black Shadee in July, but still have Skeeter and she is such a sweet, regal thing!
I'm sorry to hear about Shadee, Linda ♥ Sending lots of love to you and Skeeter!
My sweetheart Rose is a black kitten, and is super shiny. She photographs like a Rorsarch test, but black cats go with everything! :)
My one-eyed black kitty Jasper is the sweetest. Our home would be incomplete without him.
My black kitty Artemis was a stray when she decided to adopt me. She's super affectionate (after getting spayed), follows me wherever I go, and purrs like she can't get enough of humans. We are so lucky to have each other!
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