Moleskine, the popular fancy Italian notebook manufacturer, has recently released a new journal aimed towards the thoughtful cat owner. Designed as a way to "organize and remember the most important moments in your cat's life," The Cat Journal includes information on different breeds, as well as a graphic legend explaining a cat's mood based on the position and movement of its tail. (Spoiler alert: Up: good, Down: bad)
According to the product description:
There are 4 subject sections that can be filled out to keep track of every detail: getting ready, personality, cat log, health. Inside there are pages and space to record behavior and habits, useful addresses, notes on vaccinations, diet, character, memorable moments and everything you need to create a complete outline of your feline friend. At the end, there are also 4 sections with tabs you can personalize containing pages for drawings, photos and notes.
In an era of online everything, I think this is a super sweet idea, and if used regularly, could turn into a lifelong keepsake. If you're thinking of picking up one of your own, they're available now on Amazon.
I have a scrapbook that I did two years ago, but it's not something I've updated, like I should. Do you have anything like this, or something that you do to document the lives of your kitties?
Via Moleskine

I recently purchased this journal, and am trying to decide how to use it. I have three cats, two with special medical needs, so I think it will become a doctor visit/medicine schedule keeper.
I have scrapbooks for each of my cats...they all have multiple volumes and I love working on their pages.
Four Crazy Cats
Oh wow, what a great idea!
I need to get one of these :)
Mum, often does my preliminary sketches in a Moleskine. She saw this and had a catniption, ran over to Amazon and bought two. We also LOVE the vid. I expectvgreatbthings from her now.
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