Sailor Sam Blank Greeting Card by Illustrated Ink - $3.00
If I could donate to every single animal charity I would, but since I can't, I'm always on the lookout for simple and inexpensive ways to pitch in where I can. My latest find is The Fabulous Animal Rescue Project, "a global artistic effort to inspire people to reach out and help animals by raising funds for the noble and unwavering animal rescue groups, sanctuaries, and shelters."
If I could donate to every single animal charity I would, but since I can't, I'm always on the lookout for simple and inexpensive ways to pitch in where I can. My latest find is The Fabulous Animal Rescue Project, "a global artistic effort to inspire people to reach out and help animals by raising funds for the noble and unwavering animal rescue groups, sanctuaries, and shelters."
The group has an Etsy shop filled with animal-themed handmade greeting cards, buttons, magnets, and pocket mirrors made using images that have been donated by artists from all over the world. In addition to raising funds for animals in need, the hope of the project's founders is that when people read the cards, see the magnets, use the mirrors, and wear the buttons, they will feel inspired and reach out in any way they can to help animals.
According to the FARP website, "80% of every sale is donated to the chosen charity of the month, or to the rescue group of special listings. The other 20% is used only for supplies to make more stuff, shipping supplies, and to pay for Etsy/PayPal fees. Nothing is kept for profit."
There are over 200 items in their shop, all of them adorable, and many of them priced at only $3 - $5 each! I've picked out just a few of my favorites, but you can click here to check out the full selection. Unless otherwise noted, this month's sales will benefit Winging Cat Rescue, Inc. in Georgia.
d'Artangan Rumblepurr Blank Greeting Card - $3.00 (Proceeds from this sale will be donated to RNZSPCA & Wellington Cats Protection League)
Rumblepurr is a friend of mine from the cat blogging world, and you can catch up on all his adventures here!
The shop also includes items featuring animals from some of the rescue organizations they support.
This pocket mirror pays tribute to Winkie, a "splendid little man with the Beatles bangs that was rescued in the middle of winter when he was only five weeks old. At that tender age, he had already suffered an eye infection so severe it ruptured his eyeball. His injured eye was removed by a veterinarian & sewn shut to keep him healthy. Winkie also had leukemia, so he lived a happy (though too short) life in the home of the president of Four Legs Good, sitting on her shoulders and playing all the time. He was a one-of-a-kind little love who taught us many lessons about being happy and enjoying the moment & we feel lucky to have known him."
$4.00 of this sale will go to Four Legs Good, A TNR/adoption organization based out of Pomona, NY.

Modnic is a beautiful female tiger that was rescued from a breeding facility in Florida. $4.00 of this sale will go to Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, FL.
Want to see more? In honor of June being Adopt A Shelter Cat Month, FARP has created this lovely Etsy treasury to highlight just a small selection of the cat-related items they have available for purchase. You can also click here to browse the entire Fabulous Animal Rescue Project shop!

Oh my word...mom..let go of that wallet! You know you want them!
Thanks for such a comprehensive list. It's awesome!
Stephanie thank you ever so much for this fantastic feature about us! We are blown away! YAY! We are so glad that you like the Project. :D
The Project only exists because of the animal lovin' artists and crafters that have donated their work. We will be sure to share this post so all these amazing people can read it. They will beam with joy!
We have already received orders because of your marvelous blog which means more funds to help animals in need. If there is any way we can repay ya just let us know. REALLY!
Thank you!
-Stacey (founder of the Project)
Waaahoooo!! It's ME!!*strut*
Thank you so much for posting this worthy cause!
This is awesome and perfect! I always want to give money to rescues but it's awesome to donate AND get something useful in return. I'd much rather give my 3 dollars (mostly) to a rescue than (mostly) to Hallmark. Just bought four cards, thanks so much for sharing! :D
Yay Megan! That's awesome!
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