In a new commercial for their ice cream birthday cakes, Dairy Queen wants you to know that they don't just stop at "good enough," which somehow translates to a man blowing bubbles with kittens inside of them.
I guess if bubbles are good, and kittens are good, than kittens in bubbles equals "RI-DQ-ULOUS"!
Charlie got very concerned when he heard all the meowing coming from my laptop!
Thanks to RadCat for the find!

OMC - now mom is laughing like mad. And she wants dq.... that is so cute!! And how did they get the kittens in the bubbles anyhow??? MOL
Oh that is adorable... ♥♥♥
We love it!
Amazingly cute! And effective - now I want a DQ cake AND a new kitten.
Oh goodness, too cute! And, yes, now I want an ice cream-cake. :)
I love this commercial. It has become my favorite. It even made my mom laugh!
That is so cute!
I think if I am interpreting your "ri-DQ-u-lous" (which is genius!! lol) correctly, you don't like the commercial either. Nor do I!
I saw this commercial a few days ago and was cracking up.
The little kitten at the end trying to get out of the bubble cinches it all, ha ha.
Heaven, is here. Ice cream and kitties, does it get any better? Mum said to add coffee. Hoomans, go figure.
Absolutely stupid! Don't get the humor in putting kittens in a bubble, what the hell reference does that have to ice cream! Get a new ad!
Encouraging animal cruelty. Stop the ad please
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