This week, we went full tilt cat lady with feline-inspired bedding from ModCloth, Charlie the cat enthusiastically reunited with his owner after a six month separation, Japanese inspired treats ruled Cat Cupcake Tuesday, Piper the Belt Line cat traded in his pipe for a forever home, and I took a trip to the 2013 Garden State Cat Club Show & Expo!
Elsewhere, there's still time to enter your kitty to win a Kattipede Cat Toy and Rod from Neko Flies! I'm drawing the lucky winner this coming Tues. 7/30!
And finally, time is running out to take advantage of the Catsparella Christmas in July sale! Get 20% off all shirts and totes in the shop through the end of the month!

Sailor and Cleo
This week's featured felines share a heartwarming story about how they became best friends for life!
Michelle writes:
Sailor is five years young and Cleo will be two this summer. Sailor came in to my life when he was 8-weeks old, and I instantly feel in love with him, so much so that I have his name tattooed on my ankle (I am trying to get a picture of him next to it but it is kinda hard as he has own agenda, lol).

Cleo found me when she was only 4-weeks-old after Hurricane Irene. She showed up at the neighbor's shed and would not come out. I believe she was the runt of the litter because she was so tiny, and I assume her mother left because I have never seen a cat that looks like her around.

I left food and water for her daily, but she would run under the shed when I came to her, and she meowed so loudly I was scared something was wrong. Then one day when I came home from work, she was sitting on my chair on my front porch, but took off when she saw me. I then started leaving the food on the porch and she finally started warming up to me so I could pet her, but not hold her.

One day while she was eating I just picked her up and said, "See I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna love on you." That night at around 11, I could hear her meowing outside. It was so loud, and I knew she was so scared. I went out and found her under my car and said, "Come on, you're coming in." She came to me, and that was that. She was now going to be an indoor cat.

Sailor has never gotten along with other cats AT ALL so I was a bit nervous to introduce them to each other, but I thought maybe since Cleo is smaller than him he wouldn't feel threatened. I brought her in, and he sniffed her and was very interested. He followed her around a bit. I kept her in my room with the door closed while I was at work the first week because I didn't know how Sailor would be with her without me there.

They are now best friends and I think sometimes he thinks she's his baby because I catch him bathing her on occasion. They are both very dear to me and I love them very much. They love playing together and chasing each other around the house. Sailor is ruff with her at times but she gives it right back to him!
Special thanks to Michelle for sharing Cleo and Sailor's sweet story with us this week!
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm now accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share. I can't wait to hear from you!

Look at that precious kitty smile on Sailor in that forst picture.
Awww, this was such a sweet story. Glad the two kitties got along with each other rather quickly and became friends. :)
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