Welcome back for another edition of Caturday, where we catch up on the week's latest cat news, and get to meet some of your amazing kitties!
This week, Venus the two-faced kitty made her debut on The Today Show, a Cat Shaming website exposed feline misdeeds, Choupette got kissed by cat daddy Karl Lagerfeld, Teddy Bear the Maine Coon was mistaken for the Essex Lion, United Bamboo unveiled its annual feline fashion calendar and tried to raise cash for their new Cat Club project, Cat Cupcake Tuesdays featured its first batch of welcome home kitten cupcakes, and Minneapolis hosted the first ever Internet Cat Video Film Festival, much to the delight of the Twittersphere.
On a personal note, August marked the two year anniversary of Catsparella, and we celebrated all month long by welcoming our highest number of visitors and page views yet! Thank you to all of my readers, both new and longtime, for your continued support and for making it all worthwhile!

This week's featured feline blossomed from a tiny kitten who barely had a chance, to a thriving cat who now pays it forward by welcoming other orphans being cared for in the vet hospital that saved his life.
Kate writes:
This little cutie is Timmie - found abandoned near the vet hospital where my daughter works: cold, dehydrated and hungry. The vets gave him a 50-50 chance of surviving. She brought him home where we bottle fed him 'round the clock and nursed him to health. He's now a handsome and very solidly built "man cat."

Handsome man cat!
Since my daughter started working at the vet hospital, we've had a few rescues like this, but Timmie was the first and is very special to us. He actually helps us with our newer orphans by teaching them how to play, licking them and just being there to hang out with them and make them welcome. :-)
Special thanks to Kate for sharing Timmie's story of survival with us this week. What a wonderful image of him playing "welcoming committee" to other kittens who were once in his position!
p.s. Looking for even more Catsparella? Check out my weekly columns over on Catster!
This week:
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to catsparella@gmail.com, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share! I can't wait to hear from you!

How dear that picture is. Both of them but the baby picture...makes my heart sing.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Catsparella for sharing our special Timmie, who we also now call our Little Prince, lol. I was so lucky to capture his bewildered look in the first photo when we brought him home. Round the clock bottle feeding is so much work, but so worth it!
Timmie looks adorable! What an awesome story. And Happy Anniversary Stephanie!
He did grow into quite the handsome cat. What gorgeous eyes.
Love these two photos. My heart just melted when I saw their little sweet faces.
I love it! I call my cat a "man cat" too. :)
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