Cats taking over the world? It's happening sooner than you think. Cravendale Milk has released a follow-up to last year's massively successful "Cats with Thumbs" campaign, giving us a glimpse what the kitties have been up to since the last time we saw them adjusting to their new digits. Headed up by fearless feline leader, Bertrum Thumbcat, the polydactyl pussycats have been catnapping and brainwashing all of the country's milkman in an effort to take over the world (or at least get all of the cream).
Is your cat interested in joining the dairy-stealing brigade? Bertrum's Facebook page has a Thumbcat Army app where you can upload a picture of your kitty recruit, and deck them out in a variety of disguises including facial hair, hats, glasses, and more.
Missed the first "Cats with Thumbs" commercial? Watch the original here:

I love that Cravendale advert! Such a clever piece of advertising
The second one is funny but the first one is still my favorite. It makes me break out in fits of giggles.
My favourite part of the first one is the cat filing its claws! Every time I see it I literally LOL.
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