Welcome back for another edition of Caturday, where we catch up on the week's latest cat news and get to know some of your amazing kitties!
This week, Puss In Boots hit theaters, Jack the cat was found at JFK Airport, cat doorbells proved that you can teach any cat new tricks, Daily Cat dropped some cute cat knowledge on us, rude cats encouraged subway politeness in Japan, tearful cat reunions were caught on video, human and feline fashion models worked it for the camera, I had something to say about crazy cat ladies, and I took a little time off mid-week to celebrate my birthday, too!
Just a friendly reminder that there's still time to enter to win a $25 gift certificate to the Hey Kitty Kitty online cat boutique! I'm drawing the lucky winner this coming Monday, 10/31, so click HERE to get your entry in today!
Also, Charlie will be hosting his 1st Annual Halloween Round-Up on Monday, and invites you to participate by emailing pictures of your kitties in their costumes to catsparella@gmail.com! We've got a lot of great submissions so far, so keep 'em coming!
This week featured feline is Athena, whose human Mary Matthews is the author of Splendid Summer, a novel featuring a magical white cat named Tatania, who "helps her human operatives solve mysteries without missing a nap."
While Mary has been busy with her writing, her kitty took some time to send in her own Caturday submisison!
(Plus, read on below for details on how to win a digital copy of Mary's book!)
That impersonator is behind me again, isn't she!
Athena writes:
"My nickname is Tech Support Kitty. I can set email on auto reply, create new wallpaper, and turn the monitor screen up, down and all around. And I accomplish these things by merely walking across the keyboard. Or for variety, I sit on the keyboard. I can't explain my tech work to people. It's a feline trade secret! I work for nice salmon dinners and my favorite kitty grass.
I'm a fan of Catsparella and I think she should also have her own channel --- like CNN for 24/7 cat news. I'll turn on the remote and watch whenever I want."
Will work 4 cat grass
Athena sure knows the way to a girl's heart! I love her gorgeous coloring, and distinct markings! Her golden eyes are beautiful, and a fluffy tail to boot? What more could a kitty ask for? Priscilla tries to be my tech support kitty too, but she's usually more interested in rubbing her head against the edge of my laptop screen than getting any posting done. Maybe Athena can open up a PFA (Personal Feline Assistant) school for kitties to show her how it's done!
Special thanks to Mary..err, Athena for taking the time to share her story (and Catsparella love!) with us this week! I do love my feline fans :)
Enter to Win!
Mary has generously offered one lucky Catsparella reader the chance to win a free download of Splendid Summer, which is available as a digital file (It can be downloaded on to any electronic device, such as your laptop, iPad or smartphone, not just a Kindle!) To enter, leave a comment on this post with your name and some way for me to contact you if you win (email, link back to your blog or profile, Twitter, etc.). You have until
Friday, November 4th at 11:59PM EST to enter, and I will announce the winner next Caturday! This giveaway is open to everyone, so our international friends can enter, too! One entry per person, please.
(If you have trouble entering a comment, please email me at catsparella@gmail.com.)
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to catsparella@gmail.com, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share! I can't wait to hear from you!

Please keep all Black cats in this weekend, a lot of nuttier people out there then usual.
Hi Athena! I love your fluffy tail :-)
Loving your work Athena - my kitty Sookie likes to convert my web pages into HTML code.. you guys are GENIUSES!! (p.s. your floofy tail is to die for) :)
this book seems so interesting! but how come almost all of your giveaways are open internationally but this one is only for the US, although it doesn't require shipping? :)
Hi Athena! *waves* The book sounds interesting. I'd love to win a copy.
I just saw the tweet about this giveaway from the author so I figured I would stop by to leave a comment and say hello since I haven't in a while.
Mary just introduced me to Catsarella - what a lovely site! (please don't enter me in the contest, I have my very own copy of 'Splendid Summer')
I read the excerpt she has up and really wanted to read further but it was only available for kindle. this sounds awesome.
Thanks for letting us know about all the headlines...quite a wonderful week with Jack appearing and Teri can't wait for Puss in Boots to come out, too!
Thank you for the nice comments! Athena and I are very impressed by Sookie's talent!! I LOVED Puss In Boots. They really capture cat gestures and habits. The director said they spent time watching cats on youtube. I thought, WOW, you get paid to do that? LOL
@Masa Sorry! It's now open to everyone, not just US only :) Thanks!
This sounds like an interesting book to win. Count us in. :)
Oooh, that sounds like an interested book to read - we'd love to enter! :)
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