Etsy seller MeMe Craftwork is currently stocked with an lovely selection of unique, Japanese craft books and DIY kits. The item that really caught my attention in the shop was the book, Cat Goods Made From Cat Hair ($24.00), that claims to have instructions for creating "goods" out of old Fluffy's fur!
From the item description:
"Master Kaori Tsutaya has a great idea – use your cat hair and make cute items from it! You will learn from how to collect the hair to finish your product. This small book is full of fun."
The 79-page book, which is written in Japanese, has instructions on how to make cat puppets, book covers, bags, storage boxes, pin cushions, buttons, mittens, gloves, hats, and a neckerchief - All out of your own precious cat's discarded fur!
I can't read Japanese, but I'm pretty sure this book would be worth it just for the pictures alone (I mean, what's the cat on the cover thinking??).
Also, who wouldn't want this amazing collection of..
Stylish Cat Hair Totes!

And Space Saving Cat Hair Storage Boxes!?
"I do declare, I am not made out of cat hair!"
Maybe cat hair accessories aren't up your alley, but some of these other beautiful books or craft kits might be more your speed. The Master Susa Sachiko Collection Handmade Felt Wool Cat Book ($26.00), is also written in Japanese, and will show you how to craft tiny kitty figures NOT out of cat hair.
Need a little more guidance? You can also buy this adorable DIY Japanese Felt Wool Cat Kit Package (choose brown or gray) ($20.00), that comes with felt wool, eyes, a pattern, and instructions for creating your own mini kitty.
And finally, if you're looking for something a little more fancy, the Kitty and Morning Glory Kimono Art Japanese Craft Kit ($50.00), is a super cute splurge. It comes complete with materials to recreate the cat, cushion, and potted flower. The high price tag is due to the inclusion of the high quality Japanese kimono fabric, which you'll receive in addition to matching thread, a bell, eyes, wire, green tape, a pattern, and instructions (all in Japanese, of course!).
I better start signing up for some foreign language classes!
Getting back to the cat hair crafts, though; I have a friend who had yarn made out of her dog's fur, and plans to knit some fab items when her knitting skills improve. I'm personally all about the idea of crafting with pet hair, but when I mentioned it to another friend, she thought it was "gross."
So tell me guys, what do YOU think? Yay or nay to cat hair crafts?
Update: An English version of the book will be released in November 2011! Click here for details!

I don't know why but I find the items made with cat hair to be a little creepy. Is it just me?
These cat hair goods are amazing!! I don't think it's gross. I don't make cat goods with cat hair, but I keep some of my kitties' hair myself :-)
Not gross at all! The ultimate in "re-use, reduce, recycle". :)
I can't decide if it's really cool or kind of gross. I'm all for upcycling and reusing things, but... eh. Maybe if I bathed my cats more often, haha.
If everything turns out as adorable and beautiful as what you've shown above, Catsparella, I'm all for it!
Thanks for the information!
Its just the same as wool! Wool is a sheeps hair, no different when using cats or dogs hair!
I agree with Jenny. Why do people think Sheep's wool isn't gross and Cat's hair is? Have you seen a Sheep being sheared? The wool is quite yucky and dirty before it is made into wool. I actually think the Cat's hair would be cleaner and not as itchy! I wonder, hmm, does it shrink? Don't think so! Can you "felt" Cat hair? I so want those Japanese books to make that little kitty and plant. I don't think I'd learn the language well enough to read it though but it would be an incentive to try Rosetta Stone!
My mom collected my fur since last winter. She got a big bag !
Can I send my fur to them : ) They might can make something for me !
Wow! I really love these cat hair items! for me it's not gross at all since we have been using sheep's "hair" for a long time and nobody's complaining about it being gross. Same thing!!!
Besides, 1) it's discarded so the cat doesn't need it anymore (can't always say the same thing abt wool -__- ) 2) It's your own kitty's fur! A real keepsake if you do the puppets/buttons, etc. properly.3) It's probably MUCH softer than sheep's wool ^__^ 4) Those items are GORGEOUS!!
Beautiful idea! Thanx for sharing :3
why not? We use sheep, rabbit and goat hair all the time and no one thinks that's gross. Not to metion the other animal products we use (hello, we wear leather shoes and sit on leather seats and that's actually skin). The cats are at least shedding naturally and when my sofa sofa is covered in cat hair, I can call it fashion instead of poor housekeeping.
I heard about this ages ago and then couldn't find it. No wonder if it's in Japanese! Lovely post.
Oh noes!!! I think those cat crafts are adorable, and lord knows, I have enough cat hair here to make all of them. Now I am going to have to learn Japanese!
The book on cat hair: PLEASE tell me it is coming out in English soon!!! I certainly have plenty of resources, with my kitties and the ones at the county shelter. LOL, I see a new career in my future...!!!
I want a cat fur evening gown. With a matching fancy bag. ;)
I think Tamago's cats must be running around in a state of nakedness by now! The cat looking at the finger puppet cat is probably thinking 'Ah a mini-me'.
We love it! Such cute things.
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