This week, the first ever Catsparella Easter Parade rolled into town, I compiled the best cat-themed April Fools' Day pranks on the web, Simba's loyalty to the students of a local high school was honored with an art show, Kumichan strutted her stylish outfits around Japan, and we got an update on Jackson, the cat who was rescued from bullies by 10-year-old Wendell Overton last month. (Spoiler alert, he's been adopted!)
It was also a big week for cat birthdays: Grumpy Cat turned 1, Claudia celebrated her 30th birthday with CMYK cat cupcakes, and my very own kitty Priscilla turned 12! Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate, and made it her best purrday yet!
And finally, this week was also the grand opening of the Catsparella shop! I'm really excited and encouraged by the positive response so far, and want to thank everyone who has placed an order! There's still Unisex/Ladies fit "Every Day is Caturday" tees available, along with the "If you think I'm cute, you should see my cat" totes!
Visit, and treat yo self to some fine feline goods today!

This week's featured feline is a NYC girl, who traveled all the way to California to be with her forever family!
Laura writes:
This is Bronxi, she is a very stylish napsionista, especially on Caturdays!

Bronxi came to me via my daughter Abby who attends college in NYC. She got her in the Bronx..where else! :)
Bronxi became a transcontinental cat when she flew to California when she was a kitten. She slept the entire plane ride and woke up in LAX indignant that she had to stay in her carrier a bit longer...she brought all that Bronx moxie with her!

As a kitten, her favorite activities included watching the iTunes visualizer, "hunting" pipe cleaners, and destroying Q-Tips.

Her hobbies include batting at our dogs, hunting crickets, and lounging poolside. We love the pirate patch on her left eye, it adds an element of danger to her personality. Bronxi's paws are unusually huge and dexterous, I once saw her actually pick up a quarter! Her favorite treats include ceviche, corn on the cob, and licking sardine cans sparkling clean.

We like to let her think she is in charge of the remote control.

Here she is lounging in the California sun on a lazy Caturday.

Bronxi Cat, ready for anything!
Special thanks to Laura for sharing Miss Bronxi with us this week! I love how her little eyepatch makes her look so fierce!
p.s. Looking for more Catsparella? Check out my weekly style column over on Catster!
This week:
Be the Cat of Your Dreams: Wear a Cat-Ears Headband
Want to see your cat(s) on Catsparella? I'm always accepting submissions for my weekly Caturday post! Just email your best kitty pics to, and include your cat's name and anything else you'd like to share. I can't wait to hear from you!

Ceviche?! With onion and citrus in it? That's pretty wild, B
what a beauty!
I understand the ceviche, but corn on the cob?
haha, imagining a cat trying to eat corn on the cob made my day! I thought my cats were weird for stealing pumpkin behind my back when I was carving a jack-o-lantern. . .
and I just posted my cat sleeping in a funny place, too :)
I almost spit out my coffee when I read Bronxi dines on ceviche. Her cuisine is better than mine. LOL! Gorgeous kitty.
Bronxi is so beautiful.
Sue B
What a beautiful kitty! She photographs like a super model!!
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