Cat greets high school students for more than a decade
A Maine High School is holding a benefit art show today, inspired by the 15-year-old cat who has loyally patrolled its halls for the past decade.
Simba arrived at Westbrook High School twelve years ago, just as math teacher Tina Soucy was beginning her career. "I was just moving into my classroom downstairs, and he was sitting outside, and I let him in," she tells News 8.

Simba with Westbrook Superintendant Gousse
Since then, the ginger tabby has shown up every day at 7 a.m. to say hello to students, and enjoy belly rubs from Superintendent Marc Gousse.

The cat, whose owner lives nearby and is well aware of his daily activities, has become a beloved member of the school community. He's allowed to roam the halls and attend classes, where he has a penchant for plopping down on books.

Today, the Westbrook High art department is hosting a benefit art show for Simba and his owner, where students will display their feline-themed paintings in his honor.

As for why the scholarly feline has chosen to remain faithful to his post for so long, Gousse guesses, "I think he probably knows he's liked, and loved. And it's mutual."
Simba isn't the only kitty who has elected to pursue a career in secondary education. Back in December, we learned of Sable, a 15-year-old black cat who has dutifully served as a crossing guard at Enterprise Middle School in Washington for over a year.
Via Life With Cats / (News 8)

how cool is that - and that the school is so wonderful to him!!!
What a fantastic story!
What a heartwarming story.
Sue B
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