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About a year ago, 15-year-old Sable walked outside of his home to greet students crossing the street at Enterprise Middle School in Washington state, and the sleek black feline has been on duty ever since. Every day, no matter what the weather, the dedicated kitty knows when it's time to cross, and is there just before the bell rings. Sable is smart enough to stay away from the road, and just hangs out waiting for the kids so he can rub against their legs and accept friendly pats.
Says one student, "It's really cool because you always know that there's someone there, and you're never disappointed."

Can you spot Sable?
Via KiroTV.com

My daycare had a cat named Zach that went to the end of the driveway everyday at 2:30 to sit and watch the kids walk by after school. He would walk with them the length of the property and meow very loudly if they didn't pet him as they passed. :)
@hmacross Oh my gosh, that is adorable!! ♥
My mom was a crossing guard for a couple of years when I was in elementary school. Our loyal cat, Poppy, would join her for each shift.
Oh, i LOVE this story! What a neat cat!
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