Thanks to all who entered, and congrats to the lucky winner of the Sweet Pickles Designs' Cat Collar and Bow Tie Giveaway!
I used Random.org, and it selected comment #72 belonging to Pat, who wrote, "My rescued feral kitten, Omar, would love the Superstar collar, with the Back to Business bow tie. Omar is all white and would look stunning at holiday parties in this combination. As a feral, he doesn't have a very large wardrobe. Thanks for holding this contest."
Pat, I hope you'll share some pics of Omar sporting his dapper new duds!
If your kitty is coveting a designer cat collar or removable bow tie of their own, be sure to visit the Sweet Pickles' Designs Etsy shop for more information. The last day to order and ensure delivery within the U.S. by Christmas is Wed,12/19!

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