Kim Kardashian's kitten Mercy has died. Less than three months after receiving the tiny white ball of fluff as a gift from boyfriend Kanye West, she took to her website to announce the sad news.

In a posting that appeared on Friday, the reality star also revealed that 4-month-old Mercy, who had not made an appearance on her heavily updated Instagram account since Nov. 10, was given away to a family friend in October, after she found out she was allergic to cats:
"When I first got Mercy, I had never lived with a cat before and so I had no idea that I was allergic. I thought that it might pass, but after a few weeks I decided to go visit two separate allergists, one of whom said my allergies wouldn’t get any better unless I started taking injections. I had fallen SO in love with Mercy that I wanted to try everything I could to keep her, but I didn’t think it was safe to resort to injections, and it wasn’t fair on Mercy, because I couldn’t play with her or give her as much attention as I wanted to. Mercy deserved a mom who could really give her the time and affection she deserved. I knew that Sydney, Khloe’s assistant, who had recently lost a cat she had loved and cared for for 17 years, would be the perfect mom for Mercy and Sydney was so excited to have Mercy as her own!"

According to E! News, Mercy fell ill on Nov. 26, and a trip to the vet revealed that she suffered from a "(stomach) cancer-like virus often associated with breeding." After learning that even aggressive treatment wouldn't help, her new owner's made the difficult decision to have her euthanized.

The last shot of Mercy posted to Kardashian's Instagram account on Nov. 10
Kardashian writes, "Mercy was a gentle and loving kitten and we are all going to miss her so much. Thanks to Sydney for making Mercy’s short life one filled with love. RIP Mercy Xo"

That is really sad! I've never heard of this stomach virus working at the vet office. That's too bad.
Wow, this is absolutely heartbreaking...
It should be a crime to breed, to have the perfect cat. I don't think a shelter cat would have been acceptable to her. Sad, but all true.
That's what happens when spoiled human create designer pets . . the animal suffers :(
That's so sad! What a beautiful kitten!
Perhaps a donation to a no-kill animal shelter, in Mercy's memory, would be in order...
Poor cat. And poor new owner- to go through the heart break of losing a 17 year old cat and then lose another cat so soon afterward.
It is a shame people demand purebreds which invariably will have health problems that un-papered cats won't get.
Alergic? yeah right! Remember the 2010 photo shoot with the black kitty?
I read this the other day and was very sad to hear. I know that I along with many others judged Kim rather harshly for choosing or accepting a pedigree cat--and for carrying her around in traffic, if you remember that shot! But her actions and her words bespoke a deeper feeling than I realized.
That "stomach virus" sounded very much like it might have been FIP, especially when the article I read said that it wasn't uncommon in breed cats.
Incredibly sad. This just breaks my heart. And to think this could've been avoided had she been given a shelter animal. So unfortunate.
i am so sad. that poor baby thats what i was wondering about how small she was. I think the breeder should be questioned . i thought it was wrong for her to get the cat in the first place then to give it away . meaning she never had a cat in her life because that was such a sudden thing for her to buy.
The "(stomach) cancer-like virus often associated with breeding" is most certainly FIP. And it's not just purebreds that get it - honestly, what is with all the hating on purebreds in the comments on this post!? Shelter cats can get FIP just as easily as a purebred cat. It's a a genetic disease, meaning as far as they know only cats with a certain genetic marker will get it and it isn't contagious between cats.
It's an evil disease, but it was one the kitten was born with. And think about it, honestly...even if someone HAD given Kim a shelter kitten, this kitten would still have been born, and she still would have gotten FIP, and she still would have died...except you would not have known about it because it wouldn't be reported on the internet.
So sad to hear. What a pretty kitty.
I don't like Kim Kardashian,but this really saddened me.I have cats and I know how painful is to lose a pet.That kitty was so cute. :(
My cat died from FIP last year, it absolutely IS contagious!!! Its found in large cat populations, particularly feral cats. They're not born with it, its obtained from the feces of other cats.
Sounds like FIP. Often, when a kitten dies so young, especially breed cats, it was probably already contracted when the kitten was still in the mother's woom. We also lost a kitten to this horrible disease. It's not known what causes it but it does seem to happen often in over-populated catteries where there is a lot of stress to the mother-cat while pregnant. The cattery should shut down for awhile and consider reducing the amount of cats they have and/or creating a stress-free environment to the cat-mother-to-be.
I recently lost my kitten to effusive FIP. This sounds similar. :(
FIP is NOT contangious! Do your research! FIP comes from the corona virus which almost all cats have been exposed to at some point in their lives. The corona virus can cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal issues. Is some cats, for an UNKNOWN reason, the corona virus MUTATES in to FIP which the becomes deadly to that cat or kitten. There is no way to prevent FIP in a cat or kitten and it's a totally random disease. I just love how many uninformed people love to shout out "facts" about things they know absolutely nothing about.
Oh no! I had no idea. I like Kim Kardashian a lot, and I love cats and am a foster mom to kitties through a local organization. Poor Kim, and poor kitty! Very sad that Mercy had to suffer in her life, but at least her short time here was a life as a pampered kitty.
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