Jack Gepetto
Say hello to Jack Gepetto! Like many famous pups and kits before him (see: Mr. Winkle and Lil Bub), the handsome black cat has a tongue that just won't stay in his mouth! The unusual trait has gained him a lot of attention on Instagram, where the fortunate feline, who just turned two on Halloween, has found thousands of fans.

Jack was born with a fused jaw, but looked very much like a normal kitten.

Jack Gepetto B.T. (Before Tongue!)
He was welcomed into his family at six weeks old, and a vet check revealed that his mouth wouldn't open at all.

The day Jack's tongue poked out for the first time.
His bottom jaw is much smaller than his top jaw, which is why his tongue always hangs out.
"My tongue is usually somehow always wet!! I do a great job of cleaning myself and have never complained of (it) being sore," he says.

The vet advised Jack's owners to euthanize him because he couldn't eat properly, but luckily they refused, and took him home to be syringe fed.

Surgery was not an option to repair his jaw, but he has undergone a few operations to remove his teeth (except for his front fangs). Each procedure was a huge risk because no oxygen tube would fit in his mouth

Jack bares a resemblance to another famous (animated) feline: Scratchy from The Simpsons!
Jack eventually figured out his own method of eating by experimenting with puréed food, and now he feeds himself 100%. He is able to ingest tiny bites of real cat food, especially as he has grown and his mouth is able to open slightly more.

Jack has defied the odds with his mystery condition, and his owner truly believes he has more than nine lives. The future looks bright for this special kitty, who is living a happy and healthy life thanks to a loving family who never gave up on him!
Via Instagram (@jack_gepetto)

It pisses me off so much how vets are so quickly to suggest murdering cats now-a-days. Just one more reason to hate them.
Jack is such a cutie!
ohhh i LOVE Jack! What a sweetie!
As a culture we're more informed about animals and individual people feel more confident about saving cats like Gepetto--and Pretzel and Baby Bug and Lil Bub and all the other cats who show us they just need a chance to figure it out on their own. Yay, Gepetto--a handsome house panther!
I hope they found a new vet after that comment.
Oh God bless this baby and his parents too.
Clued-up post! Your accepted wisdom is great. Thanks for keep me notify. For more information I will be in touch.
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You are a tropper ! <3 i am loving your story, i love you little boy :D
i am so glad that you are here to bring happiness to our lives
much love <3
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