This week, James Franco offered up an adorable, cat-centric appearance on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," while Catching Fire was recast with an orange kitty. Also, this was a huge week of giveaways, and there are three going right now that you still have time to enter:
2014 Cats I Know Wall Calendar by Kaori Mitsushima
A roll of customized kitty wrapping paper from
Megan Lynn Kott "La Laa Laaa" Cat Art Poster (3 Winners!)
Elsewhere, I'm going to be at the Mid-Manhattan Branch of the New York Public Library this coming Monday night (Nov. 25th) at 6:30 - 8:30pm to moderate an event with Simon's Cat creator Simon Tofield. If you can make it, I'd love to see you there! (Event details here).
The Catsparella Pre-Holiday Blowout Sale is still in full effect! Get your paws on an "Every Day is Caturday" tee or "If you think I'm cute, you should see my cat" tote for the lowest prices of the year at
And finally, I want to send purrs and prayers to our furriend Colonel Meow who has been seriously ill at the vet. His master, Anne Marie Avey, has been diligently posting updates on his Facebook page, and as of last night he was hanging in there, and even poop bombed the entire hospital! #MiracleMeow

This week's featured feline is an inspirational cancer surviving kitty!
Erica writes:
I'd like to tell you about my kitty, Jill.

Jill is a 9-year-old tuxedo tripawd kitty. In December 2012, she had her right hind leg amputated due to bone cancer (osteosarcoma). She then had four rounds of chemotherapy.

She recently celebrated her TEN MONTH AMPUVERSARY! She is quite an amazing survivor and the most snuggly, sweet kitty you'd ever meet.

She has been through so much this past year, countless trips to the vet for blood tests, procedures, etc. and has purred her way through it all. She never lost her sweetness, her spunk or her desire to be held and cuddled, but she did lose her leg and her whiskers (from chemo)! She is truly a hero and inspires me everyday.

You can read more about her on her blog at or her Facebook page: JillTheTripawdCancerFightingKitty.
Special thanks to Erica for sharing her inspirational feline with us this week. Jill ROCKS, and I admire her strength, courage, and fighting spirit that helped her kick cancer's furry butt!

Put the mustache on the OTHER side and add longer furs and she reminds me of me, Katie Isabella!
Adorable Jill - happy that you are doing so very well...
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