Rest in peace, Wasabi-Chan.
It is with great sadness that just days after we said goodbye to Homer the Blind Wonder Cat, another angel kitty has gotten her wings. Word has just come through Twitter that Wasabi-chan, the cutest kitten in the world, has died.
The three-month-old had been suffering from epilepsy, but it appeared that she was making progress after surviving a brutal crow attack in June. We first fell in love with the tiny kitten last month, after a photo of her wearing the mushroom suit her owner's grandmother crocheted for her went viral. The purpose of the outfit was to keep her still while she was being fed through a tube.

The picture that started it all.
According to Mari Kiyomiya, who helped me translate Wasabi-chan's owner, @Jessiepon's, tweets from Japanese, Wasabi was brought to the vet this morning in critical condition, and was being treated in the ICU. A golden retriever, like the one she lived with at home, was in a cage next to her so she wouldn't be lonely when she woke up.

One of my favorite pictures of Wasabi-chan.
Sadly, just a few hours later, Jessiepon confirmed that she had passed away at 6:30 PM, Tokyo time. "Wasabi was a brave fighter until the very end," she wrote. "I thank everyone for the kind messages." The exact cause of her death is unknown at this time.

Wasabi-chan's brave spirit broke language barriers, and her cuteness brought smiles to the faces of her thousands of fans from around the world who are mourning her loss today. I hope that she is now running around in kitty heaven free from pain, and am grateful that she was so well cared for, and able to receive so much love during her short time on earth.
May she rest in peace.
Via Twitter (@jessiepon) / Instagram (@shimejiwasabi)

So sad to hear the news =( It seems like all the very special kitties leave us way too soon =( I know they all have their own personalitys and are all special in their own way.. But from personal experience with lossing a cat, thats how I feel about it. =( Wasabi Chan is now roaming around at rainbow bridge showing off his cute outfits =)
Sad news, indeed.
Very sad news...I fell in love with this kitten thanks to your first blog post and enjoyed following her journey (especially with her best friend pooch by her side) and I hope that those who worked so hard to help her can find comfort and peace.
Bless you for saving he. She was adorable! And she died, knowing that she was loved.
aww R.I.P. sweet one and you now have your wings,you will be loved always
i have the hugest knot in my throat right now. so, so sad :(
Awwww, sending my thoughts and prayers to her mom. She was adorable! I loved the pics of her that were posted. May she find happiness and be free from pain playing with the other kitties over the rainbow bridge.
Heartbreaking and sorely missed. Sweet dreams Wasabi-chan. We'll see you on the other side.
We will all miss her, but likely no one more than her dear doggie sibling. RIP beautiful little one. :(
RIP Wasabi Chan - you will be missed!
So sorry, be happy now little angel
I'm so sad to hear about this. Poor baby.
What a little doll! You captured my heart.
Condolences to Wasabi-Chan's owner. That sweet little face will be greatly missed.
She was so young...I can't believe it. I'll post about her on my blog as well.
So sad and touching, thank you for posting this-her story and adorable face will stick with me and remind me whats important in life and special!
So sad. So many kitties going to the Rainbow Bridge this week. I just lost mine yesterday too.
Sue B
Poor, sweet baby girl. Thank goodness she had such a wonderful family in her short time on earth. Thank you for sharing her story with us.
(Matilda's mommy)
Sleep Sweet, baby girl. You will be missed by millions.
so sad... i will miss wasabi. i thought he will survive after @jessiepon save him. RIP *hug my cat too
So sad . :( Another angel kitty. My sympathy to her Mommy.
my hearts breaking and i'm sobbing,i'm so glad she was loved by so many people,and i know shes not sick anymore,you definitely earned your angel wings,RIP sweet baby <3
Run free and be happy across Rainbow Bridge sweet little Wasabi chan. You were loved here on earth and will be loved even more now that you are gone from those that loved you. My tears are sad but my heart is happy you are free and happy, waiting at the bridge for your family to come and play :)
So many kitties passed over to the Rainbow Bridge this week. They were all special, and now they are with every other special kitty each of us has lost at one time or another. As much as I want to stop the tears, and simply think about the fun they must be having now, it's so hard. I lost my precious Ragdoll, Bacall, on 10/20/10. She was 19 y.o., the most wonderful cat I've ever had the honor of being owned by, and I wish I could have had 19 more years with her. But, she's going to help watch over Wasabi, Meow and Homer now, just as she watched over me.
This is sad. And the kitten is so cute.
yes, she's cute.. rest in peace alrdy.
Sorry it should be she and her. My mistakes.
I loved her, so much. She brought so many people together, and she will be greatly missed. She had somebody who cared for her deeply, and that's something every pet should experience in their lives, even for a short time. My hugs to her amazing owner and to Ponzu who will for sure miss her dearly. Love xx
I haz a sad...
Heartbreaking. Fly free, Wasabi-Chan.
I used to stare at her picture with the mushroom outfit for minutes and laugh...RIP wasabi chan.
To Wasabi’s owner, I just learned about Wasabi on the internet. I saw her pictures and read about her and I just wanted to tell you that what you did for Wasabi was incredible. She is not only cute, but the luckiest kitten in the world. You did more than anyone could do to extend or save her life. You filled her short life with more love than most animals will know in their lifetime. Unfortunately, there was nothing more that you or anyone could do for her. I’m sure she knew she was loved.
I sincerely hope that when you are ready, you will find another kitten which you can love and protect. There are lots of them out there needing what you can give. That kitten will be the luckiest kitten in the world! I’m sorry for your loss but I want you to know that you are an inspiration to others to take the necessary steps to take care of sick and injured animals instead of simply giving up on them.
Any kitty death is a sorrowful day. *Hugs all 'round*
Sad news indeed.
My heart goes out to the owner who did so much for that helpless little girl.
Oh no, such sad news! :-(
I am crying... I cannot stop my tears!! RIP lovely kitten! <3
I'm sure the owners' were big hearted and well-meaning, but perhaps keeping the kitten away from any potential sources of infection (e.g. other pets)was called for.
CRAP! At least this baby didn't die from a lack of incredible love! Dear Miss Jessie-pon, you done good!
This is heartbreaking news.....I can't stop crying so I can only imagine how Jessie-pon must feel. It's amazing that a tiny beautiful little baby like Wasabi-Chan can touch the hearts of people all over the world.....a world that has way too much tragedy in it. Thank you Jessie-pon for sharing Wasabi-Chan with us. You're in my prayers. Wasabi-Chan was always an Angel and now she got her wings.
My condolences to her family.
RIP sweet Wasabi-Chan :(
:( I just heard about this today -- my heart is broken, Wasabi Chan was the cutest kitty ever!
I just found this out 10 minutes ago on another site. so, so sad that the little sweetie is gone. even though I didn't really know her, I will never forget her. rest in peace sweet little angel, Wasabi-chan. ♥
RIP Wasabi-chan, you were such a little sweetheart and touched the hearts of so many who loved you. May you be free of pain and rest peacefully now xxxxx
I'm absolutely heart broken right now. I've been following Wasabi-chan for awhile now and this is so sad. Sending you love Wasabi-chan.
I'm absolutely heart broken right now. I've been following Wasabi-chan for awhile now and this is so sad. Sending you love Wasabi-chan.
always while browsing love meow site I was stopping by and watching her pictures - and smiling... with such a huge delay I get to know she passed away. I am heartbroken :(
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