Shark Week. #SharkCat cleaning Kitchen!
The latest viral video craze, "Shark Week. #SharkCat cleaning Kitchen!" (not to be confused with "Cat In A Shark Costume Chases A Duck While Riding A Roomba") is buzzing loudly this week, due to a timely association with Shark Week, along with the internet's love for the absurd.
Both popular clips feature a 12-year-old cat named Max, who dutifully helms his Roomba while donning an adorable shark suit. His owner, Helen Arnold tells that Max's voyages happen on a near daily basis, and that "sometimes I put it away, and if the Roomba is hidden somewhere in the corner, he just sits there and looks at me.”
The shark suit was originally purchased as a Halloween costume for Arnold's dog, Shark, but it didn't fit him, so it got handed down to the kooky kitty.
Before becoming a viral video star with a penchant for interspecies cross-dressing, Max was found living behind an abandoned house as a kitten and rescued by the Arnold family. The clean feline has been obsessed with the Roomba ever since they bought the vacuum home five years ago. “One day he was riding it when I got home. It was scary. He knows how to press the button,” Arnold said.
I take two things away from this video. 1. I want a Roomba and 2. There has to be a way to parlay this into a cat Roomba cleaning service.
Follow Max on Facebook at MAXtheRoombaCAT.


MOL!!! Man, I love that cat!
Love him!
Max is straight chillin' on the roomba. I crack up every time he hits the wall or cabinets. :) It's amazing that he allows a costume to be put on him; my cat would have none of that.
the more you watch. the funnier it gets.
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